welcomes as our guest Courtney Davis. Courtney Davis is a mother, wife and teacher who has always loved to find time to escape into a good story.

She’s been in love with reading and writing since she was a child and dreams of a life where she can devote herself fully to creating worlds and exploring relationships. To give someone else enjoyment through her words is the ultimate thrill.

Bee: Welcome Courtney and thank you for taking part in this interview. What is your favorite scene in the book? Why?

Courtney: I love when Fawn is in Brews for Beasts and in walks Eldoris. No one can pinpoint what she is but she’s definitely not from around there. The suction cup sounds she seems to be making and how she doesn’t know how to put on clothes! It was fun to write that scene.

Bee: Where do you get the names for your characters?

Courtney: I usually look up baby name lists. Sometimes I google specifically for a name that means something or from a certain background. I keep telling myself that I will keep a list of interesting names I hear for future use but so far I’ve lied to myself about being able to just remember them. 

Bee: How completely do you develop your characters before beginning to write?

Courtney: My main characters I usually try to think quite a bit about before I start writing a new story. I make lists of traits and features. Other characters develop more as I go.

 I do try and write down the important stuff though as it develops, but I have a terrible habit of thinking I’ll remember… I don’t! lol.

Way too often I’m backtracking to remember details about a character I didn’t write down. Maybe someday I’ll learn. 

Bee: How does being a mother impact your writing?

Courtney: It definitely takes away from the time I get to do the writing, but that’s okay because I love being a mother and someday, they’ll all be out of the house.

No matter how deep I’m into a scene or what goal or deadline I have, when someone needs something, or wants to cuddle, I must stop and take care of them.

But when they don’t need me, I’ve gotten really great at writing with their chaos surrounding me. I don’t need a quiet space to concentrate so that’s good. 

I don’t think anything about being a mother directly affects the writing itself.  

Bee: Tell us about your cover. Did you design it yourself? 

Courtney: No, my abilities of creativity don’t extend to drawing of any kind. But I do love the cover for Supernatural P.I. and the first in the series, A Life with Beasts.

They were both done by Ellie Bockert Augsburger of Creative Digital Studios.

She’s done a great job I think, portraying the characters and the fun cozy mystery feel of them even though they are urban fantasy too. I’m excited to see the next covers in the series!

Bee: What writers have you drawn inspiration from?

Courtney: Because I read a lot, I would say many. In particular for this series though, I thought about Janet Evanovich’s Stephanie Plum series which I used to read and really enjoyed.

 I wanted something with that feel, but supernatural. I think I hit it! 

Bee: What was your first job?

Courtney: Not counting babysitting and nannying for a summer, my first job was when I was eighteen. I worked as a tech in a casino.

 I was in charge of fixing problems with machines if they broke down, very simple problems, really all I knew how to fix was a ticket not coming out. I didn’t work there for long, just a few months at the end of my senior year.

 It was an interesting experience though, and definitely ruined me for being a huge fan of gambling. 

Bee: What do you do when you are not writing?

Courtney: Being a mother takes up most of the rest of my time when I’m not at my day job, I teach kindergarten.

For fun, when I can, I like to spend time in the sun, we live in a lake town and during the summer we love to lay on the beach. During winter I hunker down near the fireplace and read if I’m not working on a story. 

Bee: What book/s are you reading at present? 

Courtney: I have been working my way through the Hollows series by Kim Harrison and am currently on American Demon which is I think, the third to last in the series.

 It’s been a great series and so long, I think seventeen books at the moment! 

Bee: What are you currently working on?

Courtney: I am just about to start a first read through of the first draft of the fourth in the Fawn Malero series, which is currently titled, Lucky Rabbit’s Foot.

This is actually the second time I’ve written #4, my computer ate the first one a year ago… It was a rough thing to accept and move on from.

But I think I wrote it better the second time around, so maybe it was for the best. I am really enjoying writing this series and I hope that it does well enough that I can keep at it! I am also finishing up edits on a fun throuple urban fantasy titled, Butterfly Kisses.

That one will be ready to send to publishers soon! With those goals reached, I’ll be finishing up a dark dystopian fantasy that I have been working on here and there for a while titled, Soul Sacrifice. 

I always have a lot going on in my head and on paper or computer. Never short of ideas I hope that I’ll be writing  more and more stories forever! 

Bee: Thanks once again and good luck with all of your endeavors.

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