Penny Sansevieri

Penny C. Sansevieri, CEO and founder of Author Marketing Experts, Inc., is a book marketing and media relations expert whose company has developed some of the most cutting-edge book marketing campaigns. Visit AME.

 Articles by this Author

How to Market a Book with a Virtual Event

When it comes to learning how to market a book, a lot has changed recently in terms of author events and book signings. We’re all having to get used to virtual events, camera lenses, and planning around kids and spouses being home.

When it comes to learning how to market a book, a lot has changed recently in terms of author events and book signings. We’re all having to get used to virtual events, camera lenses, and planning around kids and spouses being home.

If you’re like most authors, you’ve probably had events get canceled or postponed. This can be troublesome for people who are attempting to market their book. Everything from author signings to writer’s conferences has been pushed off till the Fall or, in some cases, have been pulled altogether. So what’s an eager author to do?

Let's face it, regardless of the odds we authors still want to get into bookstores. But if you've been having a hard time with this, take heart. It's getting harder and harder to get into stores but not impossible. We're going to look at some of the possibilities here.

If you’re sick of hearing all the bad news then come sit by me. I’m so tired of it I could scream. So here’s some good news. Seven ways to make all of this pandemonium work for you. Enjoy!

In as much as I’ve taught Internet marketing and publicity classes, the idea of marketing yourself online is still very confusing to a lot of people. Let’s face it; our company has a department dedicated to this. Why? Because stuff changes all the time on the Internet; if we didn’t have a dedicated department researching this and reading all the “geek stuff,” we’d never be able to keep up. But for right now I want to give you the bottom line basics because at the end of the day, we all need to start somewhere and the best place to start is online.

Over the past several days I've fielded a number of calls from authors frustrated with their progress. "Nothing is happening," "Am I doing this right?" and "My book isn't selling" are some of the biggest complaints I hear when authors are marketing on their own. Especially now, when we feel the pressure to make every marketing effort count, marketing effectively is becoming more of a concern. Authors like to blame it on the downturned economy, but the truth is, books are a low dollar item and likely to sell better over the holidays than the spiffy new iPhone. So here's a little reality check, mixed with some inspiration and a few ideas to hopefully kick-start your momentum!

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