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Norm's Reviews and Interviews

Some of Norm's Books Reviewed for Goodreads

Tales of the Holy Mysticat: Jewish Wisdom Stories by a Feline Mystic
it was amazing
With her Tales of the Holy Mysticat, esteemed feminist theologian, Rabbi Rachel Adler has come up with a creative and novel way to introduce readers to Jewish thought, mysticism, history, prayer, rabbinical teachings, customs, practices,...
The Intelligence of Captain Heinz
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Author: Steven Dodge Publisher: Outskirts Press ISBN: 978-1-9772-1648-9 On December 7th, 1941, Japan launched an attack on Pearl Harbor, where over 2000 Americans perished, 100-200 aircraft destroyed, and 4 or 5 battleships sunk, whic...
it was amazing
To fully appreciate Maggie Kast's latest work, SIDE BY SIDE BUT NEVER FACE TO FACE, you have to look to her biography which no doubt plays an influential role in this resonant, deeply affecting work of fiction. Kast is a former professi...
In the Realm of Ash and Sorrow
it was amazing
Are you a romantic and believe in ghosts and spirits? If you are, you are going to savor award-winning novelist, Kenneth W. Harmon's In The Realm of Ash and Shadow. Incidentally, did you know, according to a HuffPost/YouGov poll of 1000 ...
A View from the Borderline: A Collection of Short Stories by Charles Souby
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One of the takeaways I experienced from reading Charles Souby's, A View From The Borderline, is they are deceivingly complex and compelling. These slickly crafted eclectic mix are stories that will appeal to just about anybody and are pe...
        Norm Goldman --
                                    is a member of PLATFORM®         

Norm Goldman -- is a member         of PLATFORM®         

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