Today, Norm Goldman Publisher & Editor of is pleased to have as our guest Tiva Wallon.  Tiva has authored eight books with several more novels to be released this year.

Tiva Wallon has also helped other writers become published authors. In addition, Tiva is currently ghost writing a novel for a soon to be published author. She also writes, from time to time, small articles for a local newspaper and she has had numerous articles as well as photography published in various newspapers.

Tiva has also helped launch a cover model- modeling career by using his photograph on the cover of one of her novels.

Good day Tiva and thanks for participating in our interview


How did you get started in writing? What keeps you going?


A woman I used to work with, Alison Peters, learned I had been writing short stories for many, many years. (I sent in my first book, which was rejected so I never sent anything else to a publisher.) She told me she had a book published and she could help me become published too. She asked to read my work. She contacted her publisher and asked if they would give me a chance, which they did and they loved my book! Alison became ill with lung cancer and has since passed away. But before she moved on, she had me promise to help others become published, which I have done.

What keeps me going? My very vivid and sometime naughty, muse!


Why have you been drawn to romantic erotica? As a follow up, are there aesthetic advantages and disadvantages peculiar to this genre? Does it have a form?


Romantic erotica seems to flow through my veins! Each story I write will take on a life of its own. I may intend for a story to be a nice romance anyone can read, but then my muse will take over and let all the naughty out!


Which of your novels are your favorites and why?


 I would have to say Atwater Castle: Gateway to Hell is one of my favourites because I fell in love with the characters. The adventure and passion as well as the special bond the characters share is so emotional, so real. This book is currently in the hands of a movie company. I am hoping they accept it and make it into a movie! I have another book, which I am looking for a publisher for, is Under The Red Moon, a werewolf romance/erotica that leaves me breathless every time I read it.


What do you want your work to do? Amuse people? Provoke thinking?


Both. I want the reader to get lost within the pages of my stories. I want them to forget about reality and the stresses of life. While the reader is between my pages, I want them to laugh, to cry and to feel all the emotions I am trying to convey.


Is your work improvisational or do you have a set plan?


No set plans. I can be working on two stories at a time and another idea will hit me. I have to go where my muse leads me. Some time I go into overdrive and create story after story. To date, I have well over two hundred locked away, waiting for the right moment to make themselves known.


Are experiences described in your novels based on someone you know, or events in your own life?


Some of both. But I don’t think I should mention which are mine! 


What's the most difficult thing for you about being a writer?


Believe it or not, it’s the blurb for the back of the book. It has to grab the reader and make them want to read more. Some time I will spend days just trying to get the right blurb down. Then I put it away and come back to it a week later to see if it still grabs me.


What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your books?


That my mind could come up with such erotic adventures! 


What do you think makes a good story? 


Passion, realistic characters, a good plot, action, adventure and loveable main characters.


 Do you feel that writers, regardless of genre owe something to readers, if not, why not, if so, why and what would that be?


 I think a writer owes it to the reader to create a good story they can get lost in. In this day and age, we all need to get away from the stress and misery the bad economy has tossed at us. If I can transport a reader to another time and place, then I have accomplished that. 


If you could switch places with someone famous, who would it be and why?


Allen Jackson because everything he touches, turns to gold! Or maybe Steven King because his books become movies!


Where can our readers find out more about you and your books? As a follow up, what is next for Tiva Wallon?

Tiva: and

I am trying to find a home for Under The Red Moon. I have the third and fourth books in the Donovan Dynasty series completed, a suspense thriller half completed, two other romance novels completed, a children’s adventure ready and I am working on a Vampire romance. My mind is all over the place!


Do you have anything else specific that we have not covered that you want to say to your readers?


Every person has a story to share. Some may be better than others, but they all deserve the chance to be read. If you want to write, then you have to write something every day. Don’t give up, no matter how many times you get a rejection letter. You have to keep trying until you find the right publisher. Never rush a story. If you do, then the reader will be able to tell. Let it flow, let your story come to life. And while you’re at it, have a look at some of my books on  You’ll be glad you did!

Thanks once again and good luck with all of your future endeavours.

Thank you for having me. I enjoyed my time with you and the readers.

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