Author: Edward Johns

Publisher: Edward Johns
ISBN Number: 13: 978-1999907402

Jack Hennessy was a rambunctious and ornery older man. Fearless and opinionated he never minced his words rethought his comments. But, sometimes your words and actions come back at you and you rub the wrong people the wrong way. Do, why were the Boyd brothers hired to take him out. Decrepit ruthless and highly uneducated theses brothers get a workout and more before killing their prey.

Harry Travers is a pilot and jacks nephew. A phone call from Anton Jeffries his uncle’s law would start a chain of events that would send him right in the line of fire. Meeting Jeffries you get the feeling that his austere manner and cryptic speech were his way if keeping control of the situation. As readers get to know him you’ll realize that he’s has another agenda in mind and Harry needs to watch his back. Left a huge sum of money and a beautiful home will he remain there or sell? However the mystery and puzzle whose pieces are fragmented so far and need attention to be cemented to see where the picture takes harry when all the pieces come together will take time patience and learning the tricks of the pi trade. This pilot with the help of New best friend Tommy will learn to protect himself shoot a berretta and maybe find time to court Sheila. But first things first he needs a plan and he has done flight time to exercise.

Harry too often drowns himself in drinking quite s bit, which could in the long run place him in danger if his senses are impaired.

Harry seems torn at times between his paying job as a pilot and dealing with his uncle’s death that is being discounted by his lawyer and the sheriff. The Boyd brothers are relentless and go after him and Tommy with a vengeance but will their deaths go unpunished?

Sheldon is Sheila’s brother who played in a poker game that was rigged and his safety is in question and Harry agrees to help him get out of his financial mess. But, things go from bad to worse before any solutions are arrived at and Hurry’s methods are unorthodox and beyond the parameters of the law. He’s brash and impetus and drinks too much clouding his actions and judgment.

Harry sits in at a casino get labeled and told he would short notice to have to play s special game and do what he’s told. Eventful flights with several troublesome passengers and then a woman whose dog disappeared and hens in the middle of dealing with illegal dogfights. Harry is irrational and not stable at times splitting himself in parts while putting his uncle’s death on the back burner while getting a huge offer for the house.

Things spiral out of control and you begin to wonder what the end results will be.

Chasing Jake Boyd and running him down Harry learns why his uncle was killed. What was his next move? Harry his highly volatile and unpredictable but with his friend Tommy’s help he might live another day. But where is Jeffries and how crooked is he as author Edward Johns leads us with Harry on a dangerous quest for answers.

Guns drawn and lies uncovered as harry squares off with some shady characters and a surprise twist changes it all. Who has the millions stolen? Who’s involved? What role did Jeffries play and what about the sheriff? Where is the Boyd family and who shot Tommy as the cover-ups keep coming. Shock at the end and a high stakes poker game turned deadly.

 Relationships change, betrayals come to the forefront as Harry Travers faces off with some dangerous killers but will he survive? What about his Uncle and where is the money that has been hidden?

Thinking his life would be on easy street with the money his uncle left him and cases he hoped to take on, little did Harry know that life would take many unsavory turns, meeting the challenges of trying to outfox a lawyer and the Boyd family plus keeping his friend Tommy alive and in his corner with his mind on getting into a relationship with Sheila. Traveling from the UK to Tennessee and other locations, and then having to deal with Sheila’s brother who is in debt to some gamblers, this novel lets you wonder just how far someone will go to take down the bad guys, use his skills that he was trained for by others and breaks laws and oversteps boundaries in order to find the answers he wants. Tommy Shearen is one character with loyalty to Harry as they both take on the dogfights, the car chases, the thieves, and the poker games and with the hope of finding some type of salvation. Harry Travers, will he remain a pilot, become a PI permanently as he takes on many roles and needs to decide where he wants to wind up.

The ending let’s readers know Captain Harry Travers is just beginning his PI career and is ready for more flight and action as he’ll be back real soon in Flying High. Fast paced filled with action pack scenes and one off the charts character that gets it done at all costs.