Follow Here To Purchase Stress-Free Potty Training: A Commonsense Guide to Finding the Right Approach for Your Child

Authors: Sara Au and Peter L. Stavinoha
Publisher: Amacom
ISBN: 978-0-8144-3666-0

Resist comparisons to other children’s progress: each child potty trains at his or her own pace and processes differently,” Sara Au and Peter L. Stravinoha write in their book, Stress-Free Potty Training: A Commonsense Guide to Finding the Right Approach for Your Child.

At two hundred and twenty-four pages, this second edition paperback targets parents going through the process of teaching a young child about potty training. After an introduction and philosophy, there are ten chapters, followed by a conclusion and index.

After identifying one of five personality types in your child via a quiz, tips are given regarding readiness and universal strategies. Chapters on each personality of goal-directed, sensory-oriented, internalizer, impulsive, and strong-willed are dissected. By thinking in the long term, easing, or backing off, discussed are creature comforts, first steps, accidents, pee versus poop, and advanced skills. The last two chapters deal with common interruptions and overcoming challenges and obstacles.

With each child having different traits that mainly the parents notice, this tailored-made source book offers suggestions of potty talk, nakedtime, positive reinforcement, and persistence when dealing with the young individual. I think a first time parent would glean the most help from it, especially the table of the median age of learning potty training skills and the shaded areas of “role playing” discussions.

If you have a multitude of children (your own or are a caregiver of them), you likely have the potty training system down so there would be little learned from this guide.

Author Au is a journalist specializing in parenting and health issues. She is a mom that lives in Florida. Stavinoha is a pediatric neuropsychologist, media contributor, and parenting expert who lives in Texas.

A bullet-point summary or recap at the end of each chapter would be helpful.

If you are a first time parent who is to the potty-training stage raising your child, this would be a good starting point. My copy will be gifted to my wonderful strong-willed two-year-old granddaughter’s parents with hopes she learns the task quickly.

Thanks to Bookpleasures, Amacom, and the author for furnishing this complimentary book in exchange for a review based on the reader’s honest opinion.

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