Authors:  Gabriella Francine with Solara Vayanian

ISBN: 978-1-938504-00-6


Who doesn’t love a bright, shiny new book filled with engaging photographs and interesting text? We Can Help Orangutans is the first book of the Let’s Make a Difference series. Big Blue Marble Books is a new publisher, a publisher with a lot of heart and soul. Their goal is to teach children about our wonderful planet, to help them develop a social conscience to take care of it, and to empower them with the ability to act on their knowledge.

I cannot imagine reading We Can Help Orangutans without falling in love with these magnificent mammals. We learn who they are, where they live, what they eat, and how endearing they are. For example, Orangutans sleep in nests high in trees, and some of these clever homes even have a roof of leaves overhead for additional protection. They swing from tree to tree more skillfully than any other ape.

In some ways, orangutans are much like humans. They have 32 teeth, opposable thumbs, and ears that look remarkably like ours. But in other ways, they are different. When an orangutan puckers his lips, he isn’t asking for a kiss, he is communicating that he wants to be left alone.

Sadly, the orangutans’ homes are being destroyed because of people cutting down the upper forest canopy for their own profit and purposes. Hundreds of thousands of these intelligent creatures have been eliminated due to the loss of their safe environment. Now they are on the endangered list with only a few thousand remaining on Borneo and Sumatra.

This tragedy will not be lost on young readers; so fortunately, the authors provide a way for everyone, including children, to help. Two courses of action are recommended. The first is to save spare change to donate to any one of ten organizations listed on the last page that are committed to saving the earth’s ecosystem and the animals that depend on it. The second is to write a letter (instructions are given). I love that there are two ways to help—one that does not involve money—so that everyone can be involved in making a difference.

Each page in this attractive and well-written book contains gorgeous photographs of the animals along with hand-drawn illustrations of children observing or helping out. Approximately half is devoted to education about orangutans and half devoted to taking action.

Although this is listed as a book for children, I think teens and adults will enjoy it every bit as much. I know all the folks in my own family did. I look forward to seeing more from this innovative publisher.

Follow Here To Purchase Let's Make a Difference: We Can Help Orangutans (Coins For Causes Series)

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