Author: Mike Papantonio,Author

Publisher: Waterside Productions
ISBN: 978-1-939116-46-8

Mike Papantonio, author of Law And Addiction, has penned two other thrillers (Law And Vengeance and Law And Disorder) and co-authored Air America: The Playbook. (2019, pgs.295-6)

Papantonio’s career is marked by such highlights as being the youngest inductee into the hallowed Trial Lawyers Hall of Fame to holding the office of President of the National Trial Lawyers Association. He has been awarded accolades from the Public Justice Foundation, the American Association for Justice, and the National Trial Lawyers Association where he is held in great esteem. Papantonio has appeared on and hosted television and radio shows. This book is an outcropping of his most recent crusade against Big Pharma and the opioid crisis. He lives and works in Pensacola, Florida. To learn more about him please visit his website at

This book opens with a young man by the name of Jake Rutledge who is a law student and about to graduate with his law degree when he learns that his twin brother has died because of an overdose. Jake’s world is turned upside-down and he vows to find who is responsible for this personal tragedy. As Jake endeavors to find what turned his closest friend and brother into an addict he learns that there is an opioid crisis brewing and it has taken countless lives. This hurt becomes his legal cause.

Jake, post- graduation, sets out to learn all he can about addiction, what solutions there are for addicts who wish to recover, and how prevalent this scenario is across the USA.  He gains some momentum in his first run up the legal ladder, but also decides to question some legal professionals who might be able to give him some insight into how a real trial of this sort ought to unfurl. He finds two men who are willing to help him move this cause forward and level those responsible for allowing this crisis to fester. They are Paul Vogel from West Virginia and Nick Deketomis from the Florida Panhandle.

While visiting his brothers grave Jake runs into his highschool dream girl, Anna Fowler. Actually, Anna was Homecoming Queen and Jake’s twin brother Blake was the Homecoming Queen. Jake figured they were a couple then and that maybe she was at the graveyard now for the same reason. Over time he learns that was not the case and this gives him the green light to pursue her. Unfortunately, Anna, like many in Jake’s hometown of Oakley is an addict too. As she decides to go it cold turkey Jake is at her side and they form a mutual bond of love and respect that will bloom as time marches onward.

Jake’s case is not as cut and dried as he would like. Big Pharma is willing to do anything to stop his prying eyes from uncovering the depth of their dirt and deceit. Will Jake succeed? Will Big Pharma stop Jake dead in his tracks?

There are many unlikely twists and turns to this mystery tale. The characters were believable and endearing on some level. The plot invited me to consider things I’ve had no touch with. I enjoyed it and believe you may too.