Authors: Rosemary and Larry Mild

Publisher: Magic Island Literary Works (July 1, 2023)

ISBN: ‎ 978-099054724

A fun and educational romp through of a historical fiction novel, On the Rails: The Adventures of Boxcar Bertie, by Rosemary and Larry Mild is a book that not only brings some laughter, but packs an emotional punch. 

Set in the year 1936, during the worst part of the Great Depression, the novel follows a young woman named Bertie Patchet, a recent graduate from teaching school who returns home to find that there is no place for her. 

Despite leaving on bad terms, Bertie hopes that when she returns to her mother and step-father's home in Connecticut, she will care for her mother. But after finding out that her lecherous step-father is still as perverted as ever, Bertie escapes her mother's house with little to her name and rides the rails as a hobo. 

During the Great Depression, many men took to illegally riding boxcars from city to city in order to find work. Dressing herself up as a man, Bertie takes on the persona of Bert, and join the leagues of rail-riding hobos to hopefully find a place that she belongs. 

Although this is the biggest adventure that Bertie has ever been on, it isn't always easy or fun. Bertie must tangle with criminals, difficult day jobs and rail guards as she seeks her fortune up and down the New England coast. 

Rosemary and Larry Mild are a husband and wife team who have written many books together. Having read none of their previous work, I wasn't sure what to expect when I started this book, but I was pleasantly surprised by the high caliber of the writing in this novel! The writers did a lot of research, and it was employed well throughout the book. 

This is a great read and one that I highly recommend!

Follow Here To Read Bee's Interview with Rosemary and Larry