Authors: Bill Burman andGeorge Brandt

Publisher: Wiley and Sons

ISBN: 978-1-119—78613-9

Bill Berman, co-author of Influence and Impact, is founder of Berman Leadership Development. (2022, inside back cover) His background is psychology and executive coaching to effectuate change. He has worn many hats in the business environment from advisor to senior manager and organizational consultant.


George Brandt, co-author of Impact and Influence, has had the pleasure of co-authoring nine prior books regarding on boarding and leadership and over seven hundred columns for (2022, inside back cover) Currently, he is Chairman of Prime Genesis. Prime Genesis is an executive on boarding organization. 

Influence means that other people take time to listen to you, consider what you have to say, and want to work with you. Having impact is all about having a substantive effect on an organization, by leading without formal authority.” (2022, p.9)

Most of us want to find value I what we do.” (2022, p.10) Where do we fall short? “…what is the disconnect between you and want your organization needs most from you?” (p.11) “…people tend to under perform because they do what is comfortable, what is familiar, or what they desire, rather than what is most important to the organization.” 

One of the quickest paths to losing influence and impact comes from trying to do the jobs of your colleagues.” (2022, p.13) “Doing exactly the job in your description, rather than the job the company or managers needs you to do, does not help you influence anyone.” (p.16) “Many times, the company’s explicit values are different from the behaviors and attitudes they reinforce in reality.” (p.17) How many of us have experienced this? I know I have. “Get what you ant by doing what your organization needs.” (p.20)

Emotions impact how we act and react in and out of the workplace. “Accepting your emotions without acting on them is key to resolving them.” (2022, p.24) How can you achieve this? “Self-awareness is essential to improving your ability to influence and impact others.” (p.26) 

A bit of self-reflection can help us to establish our leadership style. This means taking an insightful look at our strengths, opportunities, values, and preferences. “Strengths are the things you do particularly well.” (2022, p.28) “Opportunities for growth…are things that are difficult for you. – Values are the underlying belies that you carry that help you make decisions about what to do at points of difficulty.” (p.29)  “Preferences are the things you choose to be exposed to…” (p.30) 

According to Berman and Brandt you will need to define your mission. “Your mission flows from three questions: Who or what needs me? What do they need and why? What must I deliver to meet those needs?” (2022, p.33) This book has worksheet that you can fill as our read or even download from their website.

I learned a lot reading this book and believe you will too. I do not want to give everything away so buy, read it, live it and I am sure you will have more influence and impact on your job.