Author: Lisa Dailey
Publisher: Sidekick Press
ISBN: 978-1734494556

If you have ever lost a loved one, be they relative or friend, this is the memoir for you. Lisa Dailey's life was irreparably shattered by tragedy when, over the course of just five years, she lost seven close family members. This included both parents, her younger brother and her grandfather, all passing away from different causes.

For many of us, one death in the family is reason enough to despair, but losing so many people over so little time caused Lisa to fall into a deep depression and led her to cope via alcohol. However, there was a light in the darkness. 

For a few years, Lisa and her family had been toying with the idea of taking a multi-stop trip around the world. After it seemed like the personal losses had finally come to an end with the death of her mother, Lisa and her husband, Ray, decided to finally book the trip. 

As a dentist who often worked with the military, Ray had agreed to volunteer at a practice in Vietnam for a month at the end of the year and the family decided that they would travel with him, taking in stops along the way in places like Guam and Okinawa and afterward in places like Spain and Cambodia. He was also booked to volunteer in Ghana, which was to be the last stop on their trip.

Of course, as any solider can tell you, military travel is not exactly comfortable and the Dailey family had to endure some pretty harsh conditions on their route. There were also problems and road blocks along the way.But as a palate cleanser after so much misery, it was worth it and Lisa truly got to remind herself of what she still had to be grateful for in her life. 

As a memoir and a travelogue, Square Up: 50,000 Miles In Search of A Way Home,' is unbeatable. A beautiful way to feel as though you were taking this trip with Lisa herself, without having to go up on those freezing cold military planes. 

About Lisa Dailey

Lisa Dailey is an avid traveler and writer. In her time abroad, she unearthed new ways of looking at her life through her discoveries in remote corners of the world and she continues to enrich her life through travel. She is currently working on a recipe anthology as well as her first work of fiction. A native Montanan,

Lisa now makes her home by the ocean in Bellingham, Washington, but returns to her roots every summer for a healthy dose of mountains and Big Sky.

Lisa is the owner of Silent Sidekick and Sidekick Press where she helps guide authors through their publishing journey. You can learn more about Lisa and her travels on her website.

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