Author: RichardCapriola
Publisher: Book Baby
ISBN: 978-1-09832-728-1

When we think about drug use, we don't often think about children. But studies show that about one third of tenth and twelfth graders and 15% of eighth graders use illicit drugs. This statistic and many others are available in Richard Capriola's book, The Addicted Child: A Parent's Guide to Adolescent Substance Abuse.

From vaping, to alcohol, to illegal use of prescription drugs, everything is covered and nothing is left out or shied away from in this eye-opening guide to teen drug use. 

I learned a lot that I did not know from this book and I will never look at this subject the same way again. Did you know that adolescent boys have a higher rate of illicit drug use than girls? That 25% of eighth graders have had more than a few sips of alcohol? That more than 40% of high school seniors are now vaping? 

Every section in this book was informative and something that I could see being extremely helpful to parents who are concerned that their child may be using drugs. Although this is somewhat of a guidebook, it is not difficult or confusing to read and it is contained in a nice, short length that makes it a lot easier for parents who might not have the time to sit and read a long-winded text book style manual. I particularly appreciated the usage of helpful charts throughout, as it made the statistics and facts seem that much clearer. 

Richard Capriola comes from a background of science as he is a mental health and addictions counselor, so his advice really holds weight and makes sense. His words of wisdom for what steps to take if you discover that your child is using or addicted to drugs could be a Godsend to any parent who needs them. This is a rational and easy-to-follow answer to a problem for frantic parents everywhere! 

About Richard Capriola

Richard Capriola has been a mental health and addictions counselor for over two decades. He has been licensed in Illinois and Texas and has treated both adults and adolescents with substance abuse disorders. Check out his website at