Author:Darlene Green

Publisher: Waterside Publishing,
ISBN:  978-1-94900-395-6

Darlene Green, author of In Service To Love, found her passion in 2017 at a wonderous spiritual event. (2020, back cover) This event changed her life. She found that she is an empath, teacher, scribe, and healer. This is her first book. She lives in Seattle Washington with her husband and dog, Hailey.

This book is laid out in days ad spans 122 days in its entirety. It opens with “Love is all there is. You are love. You are source in form, as am I.” (2020, p.14) 

Day 1 is titled “And So, We Begin”. To which Green says, “The gathering in the light is vast. – It is a journey of the soul. We see who you are. We see your contributions both in light and in form. “ (2020, p.19) 

Day 10 is called “Living On The Leading Edge.” Green states that “Every era has held its own unique challenges.” (2020, p.43) No truer words have been spoken. 

Day 17 invites us to “Aligning To Your Highest Frequency; Movement In Transformation. “The purpose of this conversation today is to communicate that there are many distractions in your day. Consider that many of them are born of past events, beliefs, and habits.” (2020, p.72) What she indicates to move into this state of mind is to be present. Be in the Now. 

On Day 36 Green asks us to include “Developing Your Access To Multidimensional Presence.” This means we must be able to stretch our current beliefs and abilities. The group is offering a “…pathway to access the light expression of you in your life.” (2020, p.128) In doing so we must realize “When you are trying to remember something, there is an inner search you go through to process the information unconsciously. Then, by magic, the item you were trying to remember shows up, as if you’re flipping through index cards in a library.” (p.129)

On Day 65 we ask “Why?”. “Expansion occurs as thinking first. Thinking that questions the validity of your perspectives.” (2020, p.216) For nearly every question there is a cornucopia of possibilities. Can you align those thoughts with your highest knowing? 

Some chapters have activities and others just invite you to contemplate the process of this premise. I think if you are seeking emotional and spiritual growth you may want to read this book. But it is not a read for simply reading. It is intended for thoughtful reflective readers and their engagement in the broader sense.