Author: Dr. Timothy J. Smith

ISBN: 978-1-7350480-2-4

Publisher: Hidden Path Publishers

Without a doubt, Alzheimer’s disease is the affliction of aging that alarms us the most. According to the Alzheimer’s Association, one in three individuals alive now in the USA will die with dementia. Every 67 seconds, someone in the USA develops Alzheimer’s disease, and fourteen percent of Americans over the age of seventy-one have dementia. There are roughly five million Americans who now have this dreadful disease. Dementia is an overall universal health catastrophe where forty-four million people live with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia.

As foreboding as all the above sounds, Dr. Timothy J. Smith’s book Reversing Alzheimer’s: How to Prevent Dementia and Revitalize Your Brain presents a reassuring approach. As he emphasizes, “finally, after a century of failing to turn up a cure for Alzheimer’s or arrest its advancement, there is an impressive breakthrough. Because of the research of thousands of clinicians and researchers, there is now a better scientific perception concerning the disease. We have a scientific framework for understanding metabolic disease in alternative, functional, and molecular medicine. We realize that the cause of Alzheimer’s is because of multiple metabolic disruptions. We also understand what is necessary to reverse it.”

Reversing Alzheimer’s provides a proactive treatment program that bases itself on biomarker testing to determine the particular combination of biochemical defects that lead to memory damage. Once we identify the information, we can implement an individualized treatment of attack.

The book moves quickly and covers a wide-ranging territory, allowing you to look at Alzheimer's through another lens. It is divided into four parts that yield a rich source of material and effective measures to adopt. These comprise biomarker testing, anti-Alzheimer’s diet, and nutritional supplements that reverse Alzheimer’s.

In the first section, Dr. Smith gets down to business by clarifying what is Alzheimer’s disease. As he affirms, the term Alzheimer’s disease is employed in two different ways. To a neurologist and neuroscience researcher, the term applies to a particular diagnosis of dementia characterized by amyloid-beta plaques and neurofibrillary tangles. A layperson in ordinary conversation would most likely use it as a synonym for dementia to characterize any memory loss. This is an imprecise usage of the term and could relate to mild cognition decline, Alzheimer’s, or alternative dementia types. In the book, Dr. Smith adopts the term in the common broader understanding to refer to all dementias.

Following the essential understanding of Alzheimer’s, Dr. Smith furnishes us with a brief historical background of the sickness that Dr. Alois Alzheimer initially identified in 1906. I should point out that the fields of molecular biology and genetics at the time were non-existent, which today constitutes the basis of our current understanding of the disease. Dr. Alzheimer’s specific characterizations of what he observed under his microscope revealed very little about the disease process.

Next, we learn about a recent systems-based functional medicine approach to the condition and mechanisms needed for its diagnosis. Topics such as neurogenesis and neuroplasticity are defined and how they play a role in the disease.

The second part of the book devotes much ink to biomarker testing and determining the origins of the condition. Dr. Smith explores high blood pressure as a cause of vascular dementia, high blood sugar that diminishes the memory centers, and how high cholesterol promotes the disease, B-complex vitamins. He shows how they reverse cognitive deterioration, how sleep apnea increases the dementia risk, the human microbiome, the correlation between the gut and the brain, the role of a healthy thyroid in the disease’s prevention, and the danger of neurotoxic metals, and the importance of Bioidentical Estradiol.

Dr. Smith is a skilled communicator and presents his readers with a breezy read that involves a complicated subject in explaining how diet and nutritional medicines play an essential role in preventing and reversing this cruel disease. This is in evidence not only in the first two parts but likewise in the third and fourth sections of the tome that deal with the anti-Alzheimer’s diet, the very low carb ketogenic diet, autophagy, coconut oil and MCT’s, brain food, polyphenols, blueberries, cocoa and chocolate, and nutritional medicines.

The concluding chapter of the book is devoted to epigenetics and the future of Alzheimer's research. There is also included an extensive reference section, lists of excellent foods, and a laboratory test order,

Sometimes, a book's value is in its ability to show you a new understanding of something that has been puzzling scientists for years. Dr. Smith's practical advice from an acknowledged expert fits that criteria perfectly. He has been studying and practicing alternative, nutritional, and conventional healing principles for more than 30 years. He is a graduate of the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine. He completed his internship at the Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco and his residency at the University of California, San Francisco Medical Center. Subsequently, he established a general family practice in Berkeley, California, where he integrates conventional medical practice with alternative modalities.

Get this helpful book, follow its wise strategy, and perhaps you will save your brain.

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