Author:  Dalma Heyn and Richard Marek

Publisher: The Story Plant

ISBN: 978-1-945839-25-2

                                              Love’s Strength

What an exceptionally readable love story!

Every love story is unique, because true love is a signature of the soul, bearing the imprint of its individuality.  The repercussions and ramifications of true love cause a ripple effect in all spheres of consciousness. This applies also to certain higher powers that guide and influence us in unseen, unexpected ways, ways that none of us involved can fathom.

This love story begins when the  god Eros, son of Jupiter and god of  Love, is summoned by his father and told that he is to be banished from heaven, because it was not energetically feasible for him to remain there. Besides, there was too little activity going on regarding the blooming of true love on Earth, especially after the introduction of the Internet, as couples-to-be required dossiers of information about each other, even before they agreed to meet over a cup of coffee. Eros asked for time and he was granted seven months to improve his credentials as the god of love in heaven once again.

Eros doesn’t delay in procuring a suitable candidate. He identifies a San Francisco resident, Evan Cameron. Evan is a book editor who has trouble expressing his emotions. He has a great fondness  for cars and is planning to write a book about them.

As the curtain goes up, we find.Evan in New York, having just accepted an assignment of putting together an anthology of famous love letters compiled by a famous writer, Lorelei Layton, who had recently passed on. It was, a task she had left uncompleted.

Evan has been married before but the marriage was not successful. It ended in a divorce as his ex-wife thought he was too unfeeling- While watching a dance show with a friend of his ex-wife,.Evan happens to notice a woman crying unobtrusively and senses a strong desire for contact.

The woman is called Eve. She is a widow living in northern Vermont and  had been a dancer in her earlier avatar, at a time when she was married to an ex-Russian dancer and choreographer.

Evan and Eve meet again after the show and affirm the strong but not unbalanced attraction between them. More interaction follows as Evan meets Eve for Christmas. As other people and the forces of Nature get involved, this attraction is severely tested. Whether or not this attraction can sustain the pressure of everyday life and the intervention of family and friends and whether Eros can secure his standing in heaven is the subject of this book.

The process of the coming together of the lovers and their subsequent separation has been handled very sensitively by the authors. Their plight during their separation has even moved Eros to realize that even Cupid’s arrows are not all-powerful and true love can always find a way ahead when affirmed and accepted as such. This story has been written so that it serves both as a humbling and an awe-inspiring experience for Eros.

The extra dimensional involvement of Jupiter and Eros makes this love story a great testimony to the power of love as well as a great read.

Strongly recommended.