Follow Here To Purchase The Rechargeables: Eat Move Sleep

Author: Tom Rath

Publisher: Mission Day

ISBN 978-1-939714-04-6

Tom Rath, author of The Rechargables, has authored five other books that are considered best- sellers with sales over six-million! (2015, inside back cover) He is already working on his next book titled Are You Fully Charged? The Three Keys to Energizing Your work and Life. He has a daughter and a son whom he states “are his inspiration for staying fully charged in life.”

This fun book is illustrated by Carlos Aon. Carlos is from Argentina and has his own comic label, La Productora where he tackles educational projects and storybooks in the USA, Argentina, Spain, and elsewhere. (2105, inside back cover) Some of his most recent works are; Bermuda Triangle, The Lonely Existence of Comets and Asteriods, Frankenstein’s monster, The Scientific Method, and Achis.

I do not have children and initially wondered where this book was going, but as I kept reading I gained steam like the little engine that could. It tells a story from a nutritional standpoint as to why some foods leave us empty and without energy to move even if they taste good and are easy to find. In the beginning nobody is awake or energized except for a little girl. She wants to find out why nobody else is awake or responsive. Finally she gets the young boy awake only to find out that he is really her brother. They run the gamut of foods and exercise before running out of juice. They finally find the balance and decide to share it with the rest of the people in town beginning with their mom and dad.

As this one family wades through the process of implementing a better diet and exercise regime along with a good night’s sleep we get a clear picture of what the author wants families to do to keep happy healthy and rested. I already do all of these things for the most part, but not all people and families know what is the right mix of food, fun, and sleep. This book will show them.

I found this book to be fun, well done and whimisical. The food suggestions and activity level required to keep us healthy and well rested are perfectly balanced and would be good for schools and families to read about and partake of too. Truer words have ner been written. Bravo Tom!

The illustrations in this book remind me of the super hero comic book series The Avengers, Spy Kids, etc.. I can definitely see where Carlos has hailed from with his comic book background in this books design. The images and scenes are colorful and interesting!

Warmly recommended with caution.