Author: Linda Crill
Publisher: OPUS INTL
ISBN: 978-0-9858985-0-2

It’s time to put myself first for a change. I’ve decided to break from of my self-drawn boundaries. I’m ready to do something completely out of character and rebellious. I’m even thinking about learning to ride a motorcycle!” Linda Crill announces in her book, Blind Curves – One Woman’s Unusual Journey to Reinvent Herself and Answer: What Now?

At two hundred and fifty-six pages, this paperback book is geared toward older women, especially if recently widowed and feel stuck in a rut. It also could be helpful to those who want to learn more about motorcycle riding but afraid to take the plunge. With a little profanity and no uncomfortable sex scenes or violence, the story hones in on a mature woman’s quest to reinvent herself after the death of her spouse. Her cousin, Kevin L. Miller, does a thorough job with his graphic cartoons in every chapter depicting the storyline as he draws Linda as an active, vivacious, much younger woman.

Linda Crill has lost her husband and has no clue what to do next in her life. In eighteen months, she has tried the typical knitting, exercise, or classes route but none of them satiate her hunger for adventure and freedom as she wraps herself around fear and self doubt.

Out of the blue, she decides to take up a friend’s offer to go on a motorcycle trip from Vancouver, Canada to Mendocino, California and back, covering over twenty-five hundred miles. However, she has never ridden nor driven a motorcycle in her life so this is a major life challenge that she and those around her question her sanity and drive.

Failing her three day class test, she is strongly determined to get her special M license to the point of obsession with daily track practices. After passing with a perfect score, she flies out to Canada to meet her three experienced traveling companions as they hit the asphalt. They wind through Vancouver down the Washington Coast, into Yachats, Oregon and the Napa Valley passing through the Redwoods, returning via Mount Shasta, Crater Lake, and Leavenworth back into Canada.

Traveling on a large, loud and cumbersome bike is far different than a car as one has to consistently concentrate on the road, its detours, divots and obstructions of twists, narrow roads and blind curves. Crill learns her life is similar to her chosen journey as she looks inward to what she calls serial obsessions, decision freeze, being macha, imposter fears, personal guardrails, self-contained snow-globes and vroom energy.

With the autobiography written from her perspective, doubts, Eastern religion beliefs, inner direction and visual meditation, she comes to the point of “I am” as she morphs from the “old Linda” into a more contented, self-satisfied human being. Although the story gets bogged down at times in repetitive thoughts, fears, self-centeredness and mystical visions, the excitement of being on the road with the thrill of a revved-up motorcycle distracts from the beauty of the land that surrounds her.

This book was furnished by The Cadence Group for review purposes.

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