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Author: Louise Krug
ISBN-13: 978-1-936787-01-2
Publisher: Black Balloon Publishing

What happens when an attractive, twenty two year old woman who is blessed with very loving parents, a caring and attentive boyfriend, gets afflicted with a debilitating condition that renders her right side unusable, on the very first day of her glamour filled, well paying job?  This is what happened to Louise Krug on the morning of the first day after her job assignment, of doing a story on Britney Spears. As Louise Krug herself puts it, “If I believed in God, I might say that what happened next saved me from a trivial life of empty goals and frivolous dreams. But I don’t believe in God.”

Howsoever frivolous Louise might have been before her malady, this book of hers rebuts any such conclusion. This book is an account of her spiritual journey through a very traumatic physical condition. We begin with the incident, how it took place, how her parents and boyfriend Claude pitched in to help, the doctors’ reactions, the surgeries and follow up treatment she received and finally, her journey to recovery and a life as normal as possible within the existing physical constraints. We get to see intimate details of Louise’s life, to meet her separated parents and their respective partners, her brother, Tom and his girlfriend and her now ex boyfriend Claude, among others, and other meaningful events of her life that have a bearing on this intensely demanding journey.

The narrative is skillfully written, it hovers disjointedly between the active and passive voices, so we get to live snapshots of moments in time. The active voice is Louise’s take on the issue at the moment, presenting more details of her version of the situation, it has been written in the first person. The passive voice describes what the other members of the caregiving team were going through, it is written with Louise, in the third person. This form of narration renders to this book, an other worldly holographic quality, we get the entire picture in well chosen bits and pieces, leaving the rest of the details to our imagination. Some of these moments, especially those in the early part of the book, appear uncannily real, because each small fragment is recorded, as usually happens when navigating through challenging events. This  form of writing makes the book an easy as well as a compulsive read, the reader’s interest is held till the end.

All in all, an interesting and very readable book which would appeal to anyone going through trying times. Even though there are no mystical epiphanies recorded, it does not seem as if they are needed to make the book more of a page turner. A book that can be read by all, young and old.

I recommend this book strongly to all readers of

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