Compilers and editors: Arlene Uslander and Brenda Warneka

Publisher: R. J. Buckley Publishing, Queen Creek, AZ.

ISBN: 978-0-9819654-2-0

Click Here To Purchase The Mystery of Fate : Common Coincidence or Divine Intervention? (Volume 1)

As the compilers of this collection of real-life stories state in their epilogue to this fine volume, “[o]ne of the things we hope you will take away from this book is the reassurance of how things go right when they could have gone wrong, and how often there is no explanation for the interplay of events that exist to make whatever happens happen, except Fate or a Higher Power.”

A common link that unites many of the stories is the survival of the human spirit in the face of adversity. Many of the stories, too, show how at critical points in one’s life one has to decide between two options, and if one has sufficient grounding in a solidly built belief system, one is able to make ethically justifiable decisions based on one’s faith, no matter whether that faith is grounded purely in one’s own integrity, or in belief in a Higher Being. Not that any of these tales is moralistic or preached from a higher ground, as each emerges as a true ‘heart song’, showing how, even at moments of the greatest emotional turmoil, one’s inner worth as a human being shines forth to illuminate the world around one. 

Each story is approximately seven pages long, and headed up by a trenchant title, such as “Honor, Courage and Commitment: Saving NASCAR’s Jack Roush”, “Miracle in Alexandria” and “The Quake that Made a Marriage”. Nearly every story is followed by a short biography of the author, with many of the authors being experts in their own fields. “The Traffic Stop”, by private law practitioner Brenda Kimsey Warneka, won first place in the non-fiction category of the 2008 Creative Arts Competition sponsored by the Arizona Attorney magazine. In addition, the authors are widely dispersed across the globe, including Andrea Eberly, M.D. who was based on the Island of Guam when she wrote “Journey to Healing”; Maria Lado, author of “In the Still of the Night”, who works in the field of financial planning as a practice manager in Sydney, Australia; and Katia Gusarov, whose story “A Life-Altering Twist of Fate” was originally published in the Yad Vashem Jerusalem Quarterly Magazine in April 2001, and who is based in Israel, where she works for a huge complex outside of Jerusalem dedicated to the memory of the Holocaust. In addition to the stories themselves are key quotations from Thomas Wilson, Jerry Bower, Amy Casey and Carl Jung on the meaning of fate.

Be inspired and ennobled by this collection of over fifty true stories, shared with you by people from all over the world and all walks of life. Decide for yourself in each case, was it just a common coincidence, or was it Divine Intervention? 

Click Here To Purchase The Mystery of Fate : Common Coincidence or Divine Intervention? (Volume 1)