Author: Chris Coppernoll
ISBN: 978-1-4347-6482-9

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Not only did this book ring completely true in every way, but it also brought me back to a time where I worked in the hallowed halls of an old theatre, where the smell of greasepaint, sweat, and the tears of powerful actors and actresses overwhelmed my senses.

This wonderful author introduces us to a young woman named Harper, who is sitting at O’Hare airport in the snow begging the Lord to have mercy on her so that she can get to New York on time.  Something big is brewing in Harper’s life, and we are immediately caught up in the pages. 

For a year, poor Harper has been like a corpse in her bedroom in Chicago.  Sam, her boyfriend of many years, walked out on her, and she hasn’t had work as an actress for a long, long time.  She feels unwanted, unloved, and shriveled up.  Then…the call came.  Like Lazarus, Harper is lifted from her depressed, bleak world and sent to New York where she will be understudy to the great diva, Helen Payne.  Harper’s two closest friends are bringing an old play called Apartment 19 back to Broadway after many, many years, and the director – her friend Ben – wants Harper as the understudy.  Now, the play is only going to be a short run, so Harper will most likely not have any stage time, but she throws herself into the work – memorizing every line and every movement – just in case her big shot might happen.  And, like any great novel, it does.

The show is a big hit, and the mighty star, Helen Payne, wants more of the take.  Ben, being a brash young man who believes he can make this old play even better, tells the great diva to take a hike and gives Harper the glory she’s been craving.  Avril is Harper’s other best friend, who plays the second lead role in the biggest hit on Broadway.  Harper stays with this girl who is beyond happy.  Everything seems to work out for Avril.  When she wants something or someone, she gets it, along with the love and accolades of all the people around her.  She even has a wonderful man in her life now that she met on an internet dating site.  She tells Harper to try it out for herself.  Harper, after much soul-searching, does the unthinkable and begins to talk to strangers, “bumping” into a nice man named Luke who is a pilot and executive in the logging industry in Alaska.  Well…New York and Alaska couldn’t be farther away, and Harper knows that nothing can come of this no matter how nice Luke’s words are on the small computer monitor.

The interweaving of stories with Broadway and love matches; friendships that stand the test of time and the peace and love that comes from faith, is a wonder to behold.  The author does all this with ease and, we, as the readers, end up with a gem of a novel that we will read again and again.  There is literally something for everyone to enjoy in this book, and really makes you think about the question of whether we are a spectator or a participant in our own lives, and whether or not there is a higher power with a plan for us all.  Enjoy!

Click Here To Purchase Screen Play: A Novel