Author:  Nola Lee Kelsey
Publisher:  Dog’s Eye View Media
ISBN:  978-0-9802323-6-3

 Click Here To Purchase The Voluntary Traveler: Adventures from the Road Best Traveled

Dedicated to ‘possibilities,’ The Voluntary Traveler: Adventures from the Road Best Traveled,  should be a coffee-stained, dog-eared book for anyone contemplating taking a trip on the open road, or for arm-chaired travelers seeking a great read about living a life in an exotic locale.

Kelsey’s book is filled with life-changing narratives from volunteers changing lives around the globe—Daniel L. Moses, a World Teach volunteer serving in Kayonza, Rwanda; Karly Satkowiak, a Central Michigan student volunteer with a sea turtle conservation project during the morning hours and spending afternoons chasing hurricanes at the John D. MacArthur Beach State Park in Florida; Diana McPhee, an Australian veterinarian working on sick and wounded animals in scattered corners of the world as Nepal, Thailand, Greece, and numerous other accounts by  compassionate volunteers making a difference  in their own unique way.

The Voluntary Traveler, is part guide book, part travel anthology. The second half of the book has an exhaustive index of agencies from A Pas de Loup (non profit organization responsible for sending volunteers to environmental agencies in France, Portugal, Italy, Croatia, Greece, Togo, Israel, Costa Rica, Peru, Honduras and Madagascar) to WWOOF Canada (an agency recruiting volunteers for opportunities to work on organic farms, homesteads and other places in exchange for meals and accommodations). The index lists the Organization Type, Website, Country of Origin, Volunteer Contact Information, Phone Number, Age Requirements, Language, Advance Notice, Cost/Fees Involved, Meals/Accommodation, Minimum/Maximum Stay, Calendar/Seasonal Considerations, Health Requirements, Travel Tips, Warnings and Recommendations, Special Skills Required, Type of Volunteer and finally About (a brief summary of the agency and its goals).

“Been there, done that” can be heard in Holiday Inn hotels around the world, however, if you are truly determined to travel with a purpose, then “The Voluntary Traveler: Adventures From the Road Best Traveled,” is for you!  Nola Lee Kelsey saves the reader valuable time in compiling crucial information for anyone interested in ‘voluntourism’ and exploring a life beyond your living room walls. Details on the agencies mentioned in the book, along with descriptive photos, can be found at the Dog’s Eye View Media website, as well as The Voluntary Traveler Book Project page on Facebook. Pick up a copy of this book and start planning for a brighter tomorrow!

Click Here To Purchase The Voluntary Traveler: Adventures from the Road Best Traveled