Author: Robert L.Dilenschneider, 

Publisher: Matt holt Books

ISBN 978-1-63774-293-8

Author Robert Dilenschenider ran a company that counseled Fortune 500 companies and private families on mergers and acquisitions, crisis communication, international media, and governmental affairs. 

The company was called Dilenschneider.

The group began in 1991 with New York City, Miami, and Chicago offices. 

Before that, Dilenschneider served as President and CEO of other organizations that he helped to achieve immense wealth and profit through his expert tutelage. 

He is a graduate of Ohio State and Notre Dame. He has spoken at many top universities, including Harvard Business School and New York University. 

The Ultimate Guide to Power & Influence is his first book. It is meant to be a how-to to take advantage of opportunities during crises and manage communication efficiently afterward. (inside back cover and insert, 2023)

This book is thoughtfully constructed into fifteen chapters that build on the knowledge from the prior one(s). Dilenschneider says, “This book is written for you. The goal is to give you ideas and help you think about how to make your life better.” (2023, p.21)

Essential advice ranges from knowing your values and being able to defend them to understanding yourself. Dilenschneider says, “Be honest about yourself. – See how others think about you.” (2023, p.26-7) He offers three suggestions on how to move forward doing this.

Networking is a complex affair. Dilenschneider says, “When you are networking, remember that your purpose is to make contacts and build career…” (2023, p.42). Networking requires a concerted effort on your behalf.

Remember that there is power in helping others. (paraphrase, 2023, p.63) “Know who you are helping. Do all you can to make sure your efforts are well placed. “

Remember to underestimate the influence of social media. Also, temper that usage with what you are hoping to accomplish.

Communication is vital to success. “Effective communication is the essential skill for achieving and maintaining power and influence.” (2023, p.85). “Communication is the very heart of management. It is critical if you want to be successful. “ (p.87)

Mistakes can be embarrassing and costly, but they occur. “In management (and life), you’ve got to own up to your mistakes. Never try to blame someone else, even if it is not entirely your fault.” (2023, p.107)

Know when you need to move on. “Sometimes the need for change is thrust upon you…But –I bet you knew a “but” was coming – something happened.” (2023, p.122)

In today’s technological world, assume your life is an open book. Realize that anyone can learn so much about you with simple keystrokes. “Every reader should google themselves – know what will come up and have explanations.” (2023, p.134)

This touches the tip of what Dilenschneider offers in this book. I was genuinely impressed and am not easily impressed with most how-to books. If you want more success, this may be your read.