Author: David Meerman Scott
ISBN-10: 0470395001:   ISBN-13: 978-0470395004

 Click Here To Purchase World Wide Rave: Creating Triggers that Get Millions of People to Spread Your Ideas and Share Your Stories

I have been an avid reader of David Meerman Scott’s blog for some time.  I even have an Outlook task set so that I can remember to have my once a week look.  As such, you won’t be that surprised that I would be a fan of his latest book, World Wide Rave: Creating Triggers that Get Millions of People to Spread Your Ideas and Share Your Stories.  For all of us who look to promote ourselves on the web better, and that should be everyone who isn’t driving an ice cream truck – and some of these guys could use an idea or two – this book is an excellent starting place.  Get your education here!

We all need something, some tool to bring our market to us.  But more than that, we need to get them speaking about us in a positive manner and passionately spreading the word about our goods and services in a positive way.  Your mind is this tool.  Not in any esoteric way, but in a very practical and real way.  David Meerman Scott shows us how everyone is looking for expertise and the best way to draw people to you is to share that expertise.  Each and every one of us have something unique to offer and by offering this freely people (the market) want more and more and will be willing to pay. 

David Meerman Scott provided many examples in the book of creating World Wide Rave but the one great example that really touched a nerve with me in the book had not so much to do with marketing online but rather a whole marketing philosophy.  And it came from what most people would consider an unorthodox place.  The “free giveaway” mentality is the Greatful Dead.  First of all, the author and I split when it comes to his love of all things Dead – I have never really been that much of a fan but I have loads of friends who are among the faithful.  David tells how the Dead have one of the greatest marketing systems going by simply allowing their fans to make bootleg copies of their numerous shows as well as taking pictures and video taping the experience.  The author even listened to the concert he just attended on his drive back home.  The Grateful Dead even incorporate this totally into their marketing plan!  One can buy personalized photo albums of the experiences.  By allowing the fans to make the bootleg copies they, the fans, share the copies and preserve their fond memories of the experience.  And they share the experience with other fans and even those who had never been introduced to the band in the past. 

The author is very passionate about his subject and throughout the book he urges the reader (yes, you!) to get started on creating your own World Wide Rave.  One bit of advice that he did add that I thought was very interesting but extremely astute was that the reader should get on Twitter and keep everyone updated on what they are doing in real time.  So if you want to know even more about creating your own World Wide Rave, get on Twitter and start following @dmscott.  And while you are at it, tell him that @garydale sent ya!

Click Here To Purchase World Wide Rave: Creating Triggers that Get Millions of People to Spread Your Ideas and Share Your Stories