Author: Alan C. Fox

Publisher: Select Books

ISBN: 978-1-59079-287-2

Author, Alan C. Fox, is a very learned man. (2014, p.199) He holds a law degree, accounting degree, and counseling degree. Previously Mr. Fox was a CPA, lawyer, realtor/owner, writer/editor for Rattle Literary magazine, and sat on the boards of various not-for-profit organizations. Alan has a weekly blog where you can learn more about his tools for success and wealth building at You can contact this author directly at or follow him on Facebook at PeopleToolsBook, or Twitter @AlanCFox. (p.200)

In the Forward Alan states [paraphrase] that his father felt that the financial crisis of 2008 was inevitable largely because he was a contrarian. (2014) “Being a contrarian to him means you question your direction, especially when everyone else seems to be floating with the current.” “Thinking contrary to the flow of popular opinion…avoiding a short-term solution to a long-term problem…”. Mr. Fox said that this contrary thinking was his father’s way of preventing disaster and staying afloat in good and bad times.

Chapter two introduces us to the “Glass Ceiling”. (2014, p.6) Two important things to remember if you want your organization to be successful according to Mr. Fox are; “If you fail to hire and promote based first and foremost upon ability, you’re going to lose both market share and profit to your competitors who do. … Second, there are five stairs to the top.” To recall those stairs Alan uses the acronym CHEAP. CHEAP stands for “…confidence, home, education, assertiveness, and passion”. Mr. Fox goes on to explain, in depth, how each of those headings needs to be checked off if you are searching for the right person to hire or if you are the person who wants to be hired. This particular shoe fits on both feet.

Chapter 3 is called Advertise Your Mistakes. (2014, p.13) Regarding mistakes Mr. Fox says “We all make mistakes. Let’s hold them to a minimum and learn from them.” (p.15) The critical take away here is to own your mistakes and try not to repeat them.

The next two chapters help us to appreciate others and not be angry or upset, but instead help is to remain positive because it improves productivity amongst employees. (2014) I can personally attest that a nasty boss does not make me want to work harder, but simply to work and get out as fast as possible. Whereas, if your boss is appreciative and understanding you can put your best foot forward and increase their satisfaction with your job well done.

Cash is a critical component to any businesses longevity. Chapter 6 is about having enough money to make payroll and pay the bills regularly. Mr. Fox said his strategy for fully funding his businesses ranged from paternal loans to investors, and bank loans. (2014, p.26) A helpful tip is to “…predict your cash flows accurately and conservatively in advance.” (p.27) Alan says he keeps two budgets at any one time. “One is for large cash items.” “…The second budget is for my regular monthly income and expenses.” I say this is sage advice!

There are many more chapters filled with business relationship advice between employers and employees, and employees and customers. I enjoyed it and believe you will too.

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