Author: Cody Walker

Publisher: Sequart Research & Literacy Organization (June 11, 2014)

ISBN-10: 1940589045

ISBN-13: 978-1940589046

As with all titles published by the Sequart Organization, Cody Walker's new analysis of Grant Morrison's Batman work is targeted for the extremely serious comic devotee. Considering the seriousness of Morrison's tenure with the Caped Crusader, this attention is quite appropriate.

Walker's overview covers, primarily, Morrison's contributions to the Batman saga beginning in 2006 and his story arcs in titles like Batman and Robin and Batman Incorporated. During his seven years with the character, Morrison both created new psychological depths for the Gotham City-centered mysteries while pointedly connecting all the dots in the continuity of the entire Batman mythos. Connecting all the dots Morrison created himself is no mean feat.

Walker discusses the symbolism seen in virtually every plot and sub-plot of Morrison's Batman, notably the duality of relationships like Batman and Bruce Wayne, the various Robins, Batman and The Joker, Batman and Talia al Ghul, and especially the development of Morrison's creation, Damian Wayne, Batman's son. With the exception of The Joker, Morrison's era was devoid of old-fashioned super-powered villains but rather spies, terrorists, and international conspiracies that were complex, multi-layered, and often controversial. According to an interview with Morrison that serves as an appendix, stirring up all those controversies was fueled by online debates by readers responding to the twists and turns of new issues of their favorite comics. As a result, Morrison brought Batman into the 21st Century. While he grounded his expanded vision to the original Bob Kane/Bill Finger stories, Morrison integrated more contemporary themes and cultural references into the dramas.

Without question, you have to know the primary texts—Morrison's canon—to understand Walker's analytical overview. As with the fans who debated over the original comics at websites and blogs, this is the sort of book such aficionados will want to read and debate as well. That's a very select audience, and unless you're already among that number, this isn't likely the Batman book for you. That's not a criticism—I leave that to those more versed in the subject than I, especially those who might quibble with some of Walkers conclusions and defenses of how Morrison tied up all his loose-ends.

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