Author: Barbara McNally   

Publisher: Balboa Press

ISBN: 978-1-4525-6283-4(sc)

ISBN: 978-1-4525-6282-7(hc)

                                    Reigniting the Divine Feminine

There is no greater joy than the adventure of discovering who you really are and then living that life.”- Barbara McNally.

We  all had it as infants. In varying degrees. As babies, we would never question our identity, it was self-evident. We knew what we wanted and never questioned if we were deserving or not.

As adults in a real world, we are bound by an elitist, hierarchical social system and live under a host of man made rules that have been delineated to “civilise” us. This “civilising” has led to the large scale suppression of the “wild woman” who lives within us all, even men (see “Women who run with the Wolves” by Clarissa Pinkola Estes). Some women have, however, learnt to go outside the box of conventional thinking and reignite that suppressed spark of life, choosing, in the process, to live their lives in their own way. This book is the story of the quest of one such woman, who, after separating from her husband, decides to live her life on her own terms.

Barbara McNally lived the American dream. She had a stable marriage with a well-placed man, two daughters and lived in a tastefully decorated home. Yet behind the shining facade, she sensed a vacuum, arising from a glaring and deep-seated lack of intimacy. This lack of “prana” (vital force) in the relationship leads eventually to a divorce, and Barbara, on the advice of her psychotherapist, embarks on a quest for her own identity. She starts in Ireland, which was home to one of her ancestors, who emigrated to the United States of America after the Potato Famine. The trip to Ireland turns out to be very fulfilling, as she encounters a culture whose people celebrated the feminine aspect of the Divine  in a way that appealed to her. It helped her understand and appreciate better, her wild grandmother Pat, who had been somewhat of a role model to her all her life.

After the trip to Ireland, Barbara explores further aspects of her Self, as a single woman, footloose and fancy free. She flies to Jamaica on a supposedly hedonistic trip, and after taking a few lessons on scuba-diving and dancing, she also manages to help out at an orphanage for abused girls. She gives them lessons in horse riding, teaches them to read and write and helps in the kitchen as well. This voluntary service that she offered, helped her go on to found an  organization entitled “Mother, Lover, Fighter, Sage”. As the name suggests, the organization aims to support women in their various roles as expressions of the Divine Feminine.

This is not a book that has been written by a practised, glib, self-confident author. It is compelling, raw and honest to the core, a tentative, hesitating exploration of an identity, both on the physically sexual and the psycho-emotional planes of existence. It is  a story where the author pulls out all stops to finding her strengths and she is not afraid to acknowledge that she does not know all the answers. And therein lies its charm. Reading this book will not leave you unmoved, it could have you raring to go, to get a better grip on your own identity, wondering why you have not done so earlier.

I recommend this book strongly to all readers seeking to experience a higher vision of their own selves.

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