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Today, Norm Goldman Publisher & Editor of is pleased to have once again as our guest Sam Moffie, who has just published his third novel, No Mad.

Good day Sam and welcome once again to


What do you do Sam when you are not writing?


Thank you Norm. It is a pleasure to be working with you again. I want to add that I have been getting reviewed quite regularly lately and no one has you beat when it comes to doing a full review. In order to put food on the table, I spend any free time that I have at the Tavern I co-own. I spend any other time marketing and promoting my works. When stressed out from that I find serenity in working in my yard, walking my dogs, hanging with my girlfriend, drinking some red wine, building a fire and watching a movie. All other time is occupied by my three children, one son in law, one granddaughter and my girlfriends’ two daughters and one son in law.


This is your third novel, how was the process of writing your third novel different from your other two or was there any difference?


A great difference. I took my time, because I wasn’t in a rush to get the book out. I found an editor who was very good and tough. I had more fun writing this one.


What was the timeline between the time you decided to write No Mad and publication? What were the major events along the way? As a follow up, how much research did you do for No Mad?


A lot of research went into the cities (other than New York) that Aaron visited. Gettysburg, Highway 80 and Niagara Falls all were visited first hand but not as a tourist – but as a researcher, and that was very different. I wanted to personally visit the Crazy Horse Monument and Roswell, but there was too much going on in my life to get out there. The internet and the library were very helpful here. I started No Mad in the later winter of 2007 and it was published February of 2009. The major events along the way were only two that took time away from my writing – 1) divorce and 2) my oldest son serving in Iraq.


Are the interviewees in No Mad based on people you know or events in your own life? How did you go about creating them?


Some are real and some are from the depths of my imagination. I create my made up people very carefully… they have to be the right inventions for the right spots in the story. My names mostly come from the local obituary pages, so even though the particular person is dead, their name lives on in my novels!


What do you want No Mad to do? Amuse people? Provoke thinking?


You have tagged me pretty well. Those are the two most important reasons that I write – make people laugh and provide some thinking outside what most people are being feed daily by the media and other institutions of today’s popular culture army.


What's the most difficult thing for you about being a writer?


For me it is a tie between dealing with people who don’t read my books, but gather an opinion of my writing via a review only. The other partner in the aforementioned tie is being patient.


What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your books?


That I don’t run out of ideas.


If you were a fictional character, who would you be?


Either TS Garp or Kilgore Trout.


If you were to have dinner with anyone from history, who would it be?


Ayn Rand.


Where can our readers find out more about you, your books and No Mad?

Sam:, Amazon, Facebook, Twitter and Myspace. They can always e-mail me at


Is there anything else you wish to add that we have not covered?


Thank you for the opportunity to share.

Thanks once again and good luck with all of your future endeavours.

Click Here To Read Norm's Review of No Mad

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