Follow Here To Purchase The Adventures of Summer McPhee of Ocracoke Island--The Midnight Skulker

Author: Douglas Quinn

Publisher: White Heron Press

ISBN: 9 781470 181260

Readers familiar with Quinn Higgins, boy detective –author Douglas Quinn’s popular series of chapter books – will recognize Summer, Quinn’s young cousin. Now star of a series in her own right, Summer has a chance to put her own smarts to use, when a friend is accused of theft. Much like the Quinn Higgins books, ‘Midnight..’ is a quick and breezy read ,  featuring a simple mystery  and sensible kids with a taste for adventure.

Missy Reynolds, misunderstood child and trailer park resident, has been accused of stealing   classmate Carla’s clothes. It  doesn’t help that Clara is the most popular girl in school and leader of the Gossip Girls, a gang of mean spirited girls constantly getting Missy into trouble. When Missy is threatened with detention in a juvenile centre, only Summer believes her claims of innocence and steps in to solve the mystery.

Her initial attempts at sleuthing are a disaster – clues she gives to the Sheriff get Missy ‘s mother arrested, and Missy herself is almost taken away by Child Protection Services before Summer offers her a place to stay.  Then, armed with a friend’s camera, she decides to try again – and discovers the most unlikely criminal the island has ever seen.

Summer is smart, kind and very likeable, and I liked the portrayal of her close, trusting bond with her mother.  She comes across as a good role model - well-grounded, practical and capable of making up her own mind rather than following the herd .The mystery itself is fairly simple, and easily solved .    While the ending of the book left me a little incredulous, I liked the realistic portrayal of its characters, from Missy’s surly mother and curmudgeonly Mrs. Terwilliger to overly indulged Angie, Summer’s best friend. 

Follow Here To Purchase The Adventures of Summer McPhee of Ocracoke Island--The Midnight Skulker