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Author:Tali Nay
Publisher: Corner Chapter Press
ISBN: 978-0-692-01638-1

Encounters in the classroom

This memoir is a book that gave me a bout of nostalgia. I relived my own school and university days, the successes, the accolades and the failures, some of which appeared to be too awesome to contemplate at the time. Most educational institutions, at all levels of complexity, usually radiate a very special ivory tower ambience. Documenting the nature of that milieu and how it influenced the formation of Tali Nay is the subject of this book.

In this book, Tali Nay shares the story of her schooling at the primary level, the secondary level, the university level and finally on the job front. To this end, she mentions the seemingly insignificant, everyday events that have affected her at a deeper level than she knew at the time and affected her decisions and actions later on. She mentions many of her teachers and their influences on her life, her friends and roommates, her own competitive drive, her first encounter with dishonesty, sundry successes, disillusionments and failures, her involvement with music and theatre, her graduation ceremonies, (both from secondary school and university) and finally her search for a job, among others. We get to see an intimate glimpse of Tali Nay, the person, intelligent, sensitive, caring, deeply philosophical with a wry sense of humour, and with wide ranging interests and accomplishments.

Some gold nuggets from Tali’s graduation speech that reveal the author’s persona are worth mentioning. Here they are.

1.There is never a need to be cruel or unkind to someone because we never know how much a “Hi” or “How Are You” can do for someone who is struggling.
2.Failures are a normal part of life.
3. If you’ve had the time of your life, don’t stop striving for more.

This is a book to be savoured, a little at a time. Though it is relatively fast paced and quite skillfully written, one can miss out on a lot of juice if one exercises one’s speedreading skills. This book also poses questions about the efficacy of our educational systems: are they truly doing their job of preparing students to face the future, confidently and without fear?

Speaking for myself, I enjoyed the book very much. As I said earlier, it brought back memories of my own days spent in the isolated, semi-protected environment of my old school. I believe also that you, the reader, like me, will also find your own story, reflected somewhere within its pages.

Strongly recommended to all readers of

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