Follow Here To Purchase A New Way to Be Human: 7 Spiritual Pathways to Becoming Fully Alive

Author: Robert V. Taylor

Publisher: New Page Books

ISBN 13: 978-1-60163-215-9

In his Forward to Robert V. Taylor’s A New Way to Be Human: 7 Spiritual Pathways to Becoming Fully Alive, Archbishop Desmond Tutu asks, “What footprint will you leave in this world among the rest of God’s family and the fragile beauty of Creation?”For most of us, this is a question that would make us pause, searching uneasily for an answer. This would not be the case with the author of this imaginative spiritual pilgrimage.

Robert V. Taylor is an openly gay, white South African priest who for more than 20 years has worked to end homelessness in New York and Seattle. For eight years he was Dean of St. Mark’s Cathedral, Seattle and was nominated for Bishop of California. He is Co-Founder of Faith Forward, a multi-faith initiative for people of many spiritual traditions; he has led Christian and Jewish groups to Palestine, Israel, and Jordan; he now lives in Seattle,Washington and invests his life in helping individuals and organizations to realize their full human potential and impact in the world.

The seven spiritual pathways in A New Way to Be Human which we are encouraged to follow, each contain stepping stones leading us forward to a place where we can experience a new spirituality, a place where we can become more fully alive. Each of these pathways is illustrated by events in Robert Taylor’s own remarkable life as well as the extraordinary experiences of those whom he has met along the way. But as readers, as fellow travelers, we too can add our part, through ‘Spirited Practices’ listed at the end of each portion of the journey. For example Pathway Two: Breaking Through Enclosures contains the following Stepping Stones: Listening to your Voice and Discerning the Voice of Others, Becoming Present to Self,  and The Way to Compassion. At the end of this part of the journey ‘Spirited Practices’ asks us to give thanks daily for one experience of trusting, to create one or two ‘Being Present’ moments every day, and to  begin each day with intention. Thus, this is not a book to pick up, read through, and discard. This is a book that you will keep and refer to many times thereafter.

Archbishop Tutu suggests that A New Way to Be Human: 7 Spiritual Pathways to Becoming Fully Alive presents an invaluable spiritual opportunity for anyone who is searching for new meaning in their lives. He writes, “ In a time of unprecedented global and local changes, leaving many feeling dislocated or wondering how to make a difference in the world, this book will become a timeless resource in your spiritual quest.
In a time when many hungrily search for values and meaning, this book will repeatedly inspire and draw you deeper and deeper into a spirituality of love and compassion for Creation, the human family, and yourself.......”

A New Way to Be Human is an excellent book, attractively presented and thoughtfully written and will prove helpful to many, I believe, over the years. Thus, Robert Taylor’s footprint is more clearly established in this world as a result

Follow Here To Purchase A New Way to Be Human: 7 Spiritual Pathways to Becoming Fully Alive