Click Here To Purchase The Traveller, the Tiger, and the Very Clever Jackal

Author: Reshma Sapre
Publisher: Hathi Chiti Books for Kids
ISBN: 978-0-615-37071-2

Raaheeji was an old traveller who spent his days dreaming of his old adventures. He longed to have one last adventure. He sneaks away from his wife and comfortable home. On his journey he encounters a tiger trapped in a cage. The tiger pleads for him to set him free and promises not to eat Raaheeji. Nervously, Raaheeji releases the tiger. Big mistake! The tiger is hungry and decides he will not eat Raaheeji if he could find three strangers and ask what he should do. Raaheeji asks an old Banyan tree, a mighty buffalo, and the old road. They all agree he should suffer his fate for being such an old fool to let a tiger out of a cage. On his way back to the tiger, Raaheeji is followed by an inquisitive Jackal. Together they trick the hungry tiger back into the cage.

Folklore is wonderful and fun to read. Young readers will listen eagerly to see what the old traveller will do. Kids will have fun along with parents as they discuss each page in comparison to what they would have done if put in the same situation. This tale is a tool teachers could use in the classroom, and students could create their own tales.

Hathi and Chiti is an emerging new global children's brand for all ages, that uses eastern-themed characters and concepts as a gateway to educate little ones about different cultures around the world. Hathi and Chiti are the Indian words for elephant and ant. Hathi, an elephant, and Chiti, an ant, are best friends from India folklore whose adventures together are of legendary proportion. Hathi Chiti uses folklore as a backdrop for modern day storytelling as a way of explaining the world and sharing life lessons.

Click Here To Purchase The Traveller, the Tiger, and the Very Clever Jackal