Today, Norm Goldman Publisher & Editor of is pleased to have as our guest Bonnie Trachtenberg author of Wedlocked: A Novel.

Good day Bonnie and thanks for participating in our interview

It’s a pleasure to be with you.


Could you tell our readers something about yourself, how you got started in writing and what keeps you going?


I’ve always had an affinity for writing since the time I was little. When I went to New York University though, I strayed from it a bit and tried the production end for a while (I was a Film and TV major). But after a brief and unappealing foray into the world of film production, I realized I was most suited for writing and began to write screenplays (unproduced) while working other office jobs.

Eventually I was lucky enough to land my first article for a national magazine (Ms. Fitness) and many others followed. I then found my first full-time writing job as staff writer for a small newspaper. As I lived out on the west coast at the time, I also managed to eke out a lot of freelance work in the entertainment industry, including seven children’s books adapted from screenplays and scripts for a children’s video series.

There were many years of freelancing after that, but it wasn’t until I secured my dream job as Senior Writer/Copy Chief at Book-of-the-Month Club that I gained the experience and confidence to begin writing my first novel, Wedlocked. What keeps me writing is the empowering feeling that comes from it, and the final product too!


What was your creative process like with Wedlocked and what happened before sitting down to write the novel?


The creative process for Wedlocked was quite unique since the book is based on true events from my life. I found it challenging to write about something so real and so close to my heart. You tend to want to stick to the truth exactly as it happened, but that doesn’t always make for the best story. Therefore, the process of tweaking, amplifying, or cutting events, scenes, and characters was probably even more difficult than it would be for completely fictional novels. Each day, I had to undergo a process of becoming a little more objective to let the story thrive as a novel in its own right.


What do you believe is required for a character to be believable? How did you create Rebecca Ross and Craig Jacobs?


Rebecca Ross is actually me with a few changes. I made her an actress instead of a writer and gave her a different type of family. I think she is also more spunky and audacious than I am. Her husband in the book, Craig Jacobs, was closely based on my ex-husband. Therefore, I found quite an easy, natural flow in developing these characters. In general, all my characters were based on real people or were composites, so they were three dimensional in my head, and hence very believable on the page.


Do you believe you have already found “your voice” or is that something one is always searching for?


Yes, I believe I have definitely found my voice. In fact, I don’t think I ever lost it! I guess that is why people who know me, know that Rebecca is really me. When she narrates the story (it’s written in first person) they hear my voice. My second novel, which is in the final editing phase, has a similar voice even though it is told in third person.


How has your environment/upbringing colored your writing?


I come from a very big, warm-hearted, and liberal family and I credit this environment with my ability to be extremely expressive and open in my writing. I grew up on a little block in the suburbs with twelve houses. Four of them were inhabited by my mother’s side of the family. We are extremely close and loving. Most of the offspring are women who happen to be quite cerebral, independent, and strong. I think this is reflected in my stories and in my characters.


Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?


The hardest part for me is being overwhelmed by so many ideas, thoughts, emotions, etc when I sit down to write. Sometimes I don’t know where to begin, so instead I procrastinate by doing laundry or grocery shopping. But once I force myself to sit down, get started, and get into the flow of what I am doing, I’m usually amazed at what I can create and accomplish.


Did you know the end of Wedlocked at the beginning?


I knew it would have a happy ending, but it was a work in progress and so I gave myself the leeway to see, as I was writing, what would be the best way to bring the story to a close. By the time I mapped out the final scenes, I knew generally what was going to happen, but you never know exactly until the words are on the page. That’s part of the fun of it.


Are experiences in Wedlocked based on someone you know, or events in your own life?


As I’ve mentioned above, Wedlocked is based on true events from life, namely my first brief, disastrous marriage, which I went into impulsively and out of desperation after many years of turbulent singlehood.


What do you want your novel to do? Amuse people? Provoke thinking? As a follow up, what are you hopes for your book?


Although the book is based on a troubling and unhappy time in my life, I decided to write it with lots of humor. This was the best catharsis for me and the most entertaining way to tell the story to others. Given the bizarre nature of the story, it lent itself to hilarity. I love to amuse and make people laugh more than anything else and am told that the story and characters in Wedlocked accomplish this in spades. The story speaks to so many people who have either had terrible relationships or know someone who has. I hope to reach as many people as possible via marketing, not only for sales purposes, but so readers will know my name and want to read my future books.


Did you learn anything from writing your book and what was it?


The first novel is a training ground in many ways. By the time Wedlocked was ready to see the light of day, I had learned through instructional books, critiques, and my own experiences how to better handle the enormity of writing my next novel. I am almost finished with it now, and found the process of writing less daunting because of all the knowledge I garnered writing Wedlocked.


Do you have any advice for other writers?


My advice is to read the types of books you want to write and to find as many outlets as you can to practice your craft. If it’s through paid writing jobs, wonderful. But if not, the internet has opened up countless opportunities for writers. Get on and start exploring! Find a website where you can showcase your blog. Reach out to other writers and book lovers and you’ll be surprised at how many interesting opportunities come your way.


Do you feel that writers, regardless of genre owe something to readers, if not, why not, if so, why and what would that be?


I don’t necessarily feel writers owe readers anything; some write to express deep feelings and just happen to appeal to certain readers. But if you are a writer who actually enjoys entertaining, enlightening or inspiring others, then it’s worth honing your craft so that you can accomplish this, as I believe it’s the most rewarding aspect of the creative process.


Where can our readers find out more about you and Wedlocked?


Readers can visit my websites: where you’ll find my backstory, blog, upcoming events, how to contact me, and much more. You can also check out for more information on the book.


What are your upcoming projects?


I’m going to be publishing a humorous gift book this fall called The Fine Art of Delusional Thinking: Happiness Means Never Having to Have a Reality Check. It’s basically a very funny take on the current craze of “creative visualization” and teaches people how they can delude their way to a happy life. I will also be releasing my second novel (as yet untitled) sometime soon after that.


Is there anything else you wish to add that we have not covered?


I just want to encourage anyone who reads Wedlocked to let me know how they liked it and to post a review on Amazon!

Thanks once again and good luck with Wedlocked and all of your future endeavors.

Thank you, Norm.


Click Here To Purchase Wedlocked: A Novel