Author: Dr. John Diamond
Publisher: Enhancement Books
ISBN: 978-1-890995-52-5

Click Here To Purchase The Diamond Color Meditation: Color Pathway to the Soul
Seldom is it that an esteemed expert in his field gives such forthright and open praise to, and expresses such appreciation for, someone who is just as experienced and knowledgeable in their own field as does John Diamond, M.D., at the start of The Diamond Color Meditation: Color Pathway to the Soul. Professor Max Lűscher, M.D., is an acknowledged color expert in the field of psychiatry, to whom Diamond declares his indebtedness in respect of the five test colors that form the basis of the Diamond Color Meditation that Diamond presents in this book. The author has already achieved great success with them both in his holistic healing practice, as well as on a more directly personal level with himself and with his loved ones.
The Diamond Color Meditation: Color Pathway to the Soul is described by Dr. John Diamond as “a guide to using the spiritual power of colors—including very special Lűscher colors [dark blue, blue-green, orange-red and bright yellow, which are all provided in the form of color charts in the book]—to help you take the next steps on your lifelong spiritual journey. Through Color to the Soul.”
Above all, this work is intended to solve our anguish through the practical application of the use of color in such a way that we are once more able to come to a grateful acceptance of our being in the Universe. Coming to terms with our own Existential angst and rising above it by means of the use of such tools as the metatherapeutic technique that Diamond shares with us in The Diamond Color Meditation is the only way in which we can find true resolution in our lives.
The spiritual and literary roots of Diamond’s research into the workings of the human psyche are explored with us as he uncovers the meaning of the undeniable wisdom of the most profound thinkers across the centuries. In what others might have been tempted to make esoteric and beyond the grasp of the unenlightened, Diamond explains and explicates in so simple and meaningful a way that even those with only a secondary level of education can follow with ease. Diamond deserves praise for rendering such a potentially complex subject so meaningful and relevant to all who choose to be open to what he has to say. In this rainbow of a book, with its colorful illustrations, he lights our way to the deepest and darkest recesses of our minds and souls. Won’t you allow him to transform your life as well?      

Click Here To Purchase The Diamond Color Meditation: Color Pathway to the Soul