Author: A.S. King
ISBN: 978-0-375-86586-2

Click Here To Purchase Please Ignore Vera Dietz

If you want to read an in depth look into teenage angst, and a young adult life that is seriously unforgettable, than this is the book for you.

Vera’s mom is one of the many people in her life that has a secret. It was a little hard for Vera to find it out while watching her mother change right before her eyes from a family woman who loved her yoga-loving, astrological, mystical husband, to a woman who threw it all away so that she could be the wife of a razzle-dazzle, popular podiatrist. Vera has spent most of her life trying to fade into the background – inside her own home and, most especially, the hallways of her school.

The one thing that Vera always had to fall back on was her best friend, Charlie Kahn. Charlie was not only her friend; Charlie was the one and only person who Vera truly loved on the face of the Earth. He was that guy – the one who never judged and the one who would always listen to her problems and worries without batting an eyelash at her. Unfortunately, as with all good things in Vera’s life, that relationship ended, too. Charlie betrayed her and…died in the middle of dark, secretive circumstances that only Vera knows the real answers too.

What she has to come to terms with, however, is not only that the love of her life turned out to be someone else, but she also has to fight with herself as she tries with all her might to figure out how, or even IF, she should clear Charlie’s name with the friends and family he‘s left behind. God knows, Vera is the only one who can, because she’s the only one who carries the secrets inside her heart.

I not only fell in love with the “darker” parts of this story, but Vera became someone I wanted to know almost from page one. Her sarcasm and quirky lines were always a huge surprise when they came out of her mouth, and I found myself pulling for her no matter what she did or how she felt.

This book is a great young adult read, but I also highly recommend it to parents who perhaps want and need a better understanding of how their actions affect their children and their children’s future. Enjoy!

Click Here To Purchase Please Ignore Vera Dietz