Author: Robert Troy
ISBN: 978-1-4327-5126-5

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An exciting and informative debut novel by this author.  A very alarming story involving the chance for double-dealing and deceitful practices by powerful countries of the world who are looking for leadership over an alternative energy source.  
Trying to come back from a professional failure in her job and her good life in Seattle, Katherine Murkowitz has come home to Pittsburgh to try to start over.  She has depleted all her assets struggling to stay in Seattle to no avail.  Her parents and siblings have always bragged about her successes and now she has to eat a little crow and listen to them give her a lot of unwanted advice.  Things are looking up however, and Katherine has an interview scheduled with Pittsburgh Power Peggs who say they need a designer who is willing to take chances.  This small electronic firm has built a solar cell or battery that changes solar radiation into electricity.  This solar-electric cell might be able to assist the world to get away from dependence on fossil fuel such as gas or coal.  All of a sudden this idea becomes the center of information for China and America to run the world's energy sources.  
Katherine takes the job at PPP as a designer of circuit power supply.  She is not aware of the people that are all of a sudden interested in this project that go all the way up to the Chinese Government and US Goverment in the form of the CIA.  She begins to understand the reason for all the trickery and unscrupulous behavior that is being used to obtain this technology and is helped by a Chinese man who has the same duties as she does and the two want to do the honorable thing for all instead of just their own country.  Along with Katherine you have her counterpart in China; the discoverer of the solar-electric cell, Keith Sutter, and also the CIA and a Special Forces operation.  So, there is something going on at all times.
I am probably not the best to review this book but, I asked to see it and felt that I owed the author and Outskirts Press the best that I could do.  So, I broke out the encyclopedia, dictionary and, of course, wonderful and went to work.  I don't have a scientific background so I didn't understand some of the technical facts.  But, I have to say that I did enjoy reading it as it is a powerful book, and can be very terrifying leaving the reader wondering if such things can happen.  And, with the technology in the world today, I don't doubt it for a minute.  The writing is A-One.  Mr. Troy does a great job of fast-paced and smart prose.  My apologies to Mr. Troy and his publisher for not being more savvy about the subject.  But, I did enjoy the book very much and it certainly left me with something to think about.

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