Mastering Negative Impulsive Thoughts: Secrets For a Longer, Happier Life Reviewed By Norm Goldman of
Norm Goldman

Reviewer & Author Interviewer, Norm Goldman. Norm is the Publisher & Editor of

He has been reviewing books for the past twenty years after retiring from the legal profession.

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By Norm Goldman
Published on October 6, 2014

Authors: Dr. H. John McIntosh and Rev. Elizabeth McIntosh

Publisher: GP Mx Solutions PL

ISBN: 978-0-9924290-0-3

Authors: Dr. H. John McIntosh and Rev. Elizabeth McIntosh

Publisher: GP Mx Solutions PL

ISBN: 978-0-9924290-0-3

Medical doctor and entrepreneur Dr. H. John McIntosh, who has been dubbed, “The Medical Guru” has teamed up with his wife, Rev. Elizabeth McIntosh, known as the “Positivity Expert” to develop a philosophy and strategy that enables readers to overcome negative impulsive thoughts (NITs). The result is their practical guide, Mastering Negative Impulsive Thoughts: Secrets For a Longer, Happier Life that breathes new life into the genre of hundreds of books dealing with positivity. As they mention in their introduction: “The principles of positive thinking have been well recognized for many years. However, this is the first time that negative thoughts have been simply defined and encapsulated.” In essence, their definition of NITs boils down to thoughts that are negative in nature that appear spontaneously or impulsively and by recognizing them you will kickoff the process in their removal.

To ascertain whether thoughts, actions or words fall into the NIT category readers are counselled to pose three questions: Is the thought confirmed to be the truth? Is this positive, empowering and uplifting to everyone concerned? Does this move all concerned closer to their goals.

The authors inform us that NITs fall into different categories such as personal, second party, thirty party, situational, malicious, and camouflaged, however the most important ones to concern yourself with are those that are in your head.

Cleverly and to get through to their readers, the authors use as an analogy head lice (nits) that share common features with negative impulsive thoughts wherein both are very irritating, spread like wildfire and keep you so occupied that you can't focus on what really needs to be done. Consequently, if you don't recognize them and deal with them, they will inevitably multiply and gain strength over time until they become unstoppable overwhelming individuals, business, economy, country, and religion. It is amazing how often common NITs seem to crop up in everyday life including the media, home, workplaces, schools, social situations, religious leaders and basically life in general!

After the introductory section outlining what are NITS and how to recognize them, the McIntosh's proceed to divide their remaining chapters into different facets of our life where NITs can play havoc and how to manage and stop them. These areas are broken down into categories such as personal, second party, thirty party, situational, malicious, and camouflaged, however the most important ones to concern yourself with are those that are in your head. As pointed out, fear underlies all NITs. When you recognize the fear, you are on your way to dealing with them, however, readers are advised not to waste emotional energy as to their reason as this will show up over time.

Once you have confirmed the presence of NITs by asking the three magical questions, how do you destroy them? Readers are presented with a simple three step process, “Stop, Drop and Roll” using whatever methods that work best for you, whether it be visual, auditory, or kinesthetic. In this way you stop the NITs, drop them or destroy them in some way and roll them over into the opposite of NITs, a PAT or Positive Affirmative Thought.

In addition to our own personal NITs, readers are advised to be cognizant of thirty-party negative impulsive thoughts. Therefore, surrounding yourself with positive people will inevitably lead to a NIT-free environment in your relationships, home, workplace and wider community. On the other hand, people with negative thoughts will drag you down.

The authors are particularly adept at elucidating in straight-forward terminology what precisely we are dealing with when we refer to negative thoughts and the the damage they can cause. In addition, the book is well written and fashioned, with the occasional anecdote thrown in pertaining to the authors' personal experiences which adds relevance to the concepts and processes enunciated. These precepts are also summarized at the conclusion of each chapter which provides readers with continuous positive reinforcement.

It is likely that almost everyone has experienced NITs at some point in their lives and anyone looking for solid advice on how to cope with them should find much value in this book that clearly outlines a practical and meaningful way forward for those interested in a better flourishing lifestyle.

Follow Here To Read Norm's Interview With  Dr. H. John McIntosh &  Rev. Elizabeth McIntosh

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