Josiah Hatch's Journey to St. Thomas: A Literary Odyssey – A Summary of an interview I had with Josiah Hatch
Norm Goldman

Reviewer & Author Interviewer, Norm Goldman. Norm is the Publisher & Editor of

He has been reviewing books for the past twenty years after retiring from the legal profession.

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By Norm Goldman
Published on October 25, 2023
In the dynamic world ofliterature, there exists a realm where authors wield their creative prowess to redefine norms and take readers on unique voyages. 

Josiah Hatch, III, the versatile wordsmith hailing from Savannah, Georgia, has recently made a striking mark in this realm. His latest work, A Journey to St. Thomas: Tales for Our Time, serves as a testament to his multifaceted talents, drawing inspiration from a diverse educational background, a dynamic career, and an unwavering passion for storytelling.

In this summary, we explore the captivating interview I had with Josiah, where he shares insights into his remarkable journey, the literary influences that have shaped his work, and the intricate process of crafting a modern narrative inspired by Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales

A Journey to St. Thomas stands as the focal point of our exploration, bridging the gap between the past and present, offering readers a distinctive literary experience that resonates with contemporary themes.

In the dynamic world ofliterature, there exists a realm where authors wield their creative prowess to redefine norms and take readers on unique voyages.

Josiah Hatch, III, the versatile wordsmith hailing from Savannah, Georgia, has recently made a striking mark in this realm. His latest work, A Journey to St. Thomas: Tales for Our Time, serves as a testament to his multifaceted talents, drawing inspiration from a diverse educational background, a dynamic career, and an unwavering passion for storytelling.

In this summary, we explore the captivating interview I had with Josiah, where he shares insights into his remarkable journey, the literary influences that have shaped his work, and the intricate process of crafting a modern narrative inspired by Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales

A Journey to St. Thomas stands as the focal point of our exploration, bridging the gap between the past and present, offering readers a distinctive literary experience that resonates with contemporary themes.

A Scholarly Odyssey:

Josiah embarked on an educational journey that laid the foundation for his unique approach to storytelling. Graduating with honors from Princeton, he specialized in Ancient Greek and Latin, a choice that kindled his love for words and the subtlety of their meanings. His immersion in music theory added a rhythmic quality to his later works, reflecting his multidisciplinary interests.

His scholarly pursuits took him to Oxford's esteemed Pembroke College, where he delved into Anglo-Saxon and Middle English studies. 

A year spent in Italy exposed him to the worlds of Latin literature, history, and art, enriching his understanding of language, culture, and history. 

These diverse influences left an indelible mark on his creative process, as he wove a narrative that celebrated the power of interweaving a variety of disciplines.

Blending Diverse Career Trajectories:

Josiah's career path is a testament to his versatility and ability to transition seamlessly between professional domains. 

His journey can be aptly described as an odyssey, with each step adding a unique layer to his creative expression.

From serving as a Smithsonian museum administrator to pursuing a law degree at Georgetown, he embraced the challenges of diverse career experiences. 

The insights gleaned from these multifaceted roles have played a pivotal role in shaping his perspective on literature and writing. 

As a professor at the University of Denver's Josef Korbel School for International Studies, he cemented his standing as an authority on international relations and diplomacy.

The Intersection of Law and Literature:

Beyond his professional accomplishments, Josiah emerges as a creative force, donning the hat of a writer and composer. 

His written works span a wide spectrum, including a legal treatise and the notable Forbidden Carols of Christmas

The latter, in particular, represents a unique confluence of his involvement with Denver's Cactus Club and other prestigious literary circles. 

This eclectic mix of professional roles and artistic endeavors has allowed Hatch to draw from a rich repository of experiences, giving depth and authenticity to his storytelling.

Reimagining Chaucer in a Modern Context:

Josiah embarks on a literary expedition that reimagines Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales in a contemporary context, serving as the backdrop for this modern-day pilgrimage. 

This reinterpretation challenges the reader's perceptions and offers fresh perspectives on timeless themes. 

The challenges in updating Chaucer's characters lie in striking a balance between paying homage to the original and ensuring that the narrative remains firmly anchored in the present-day setting.

The Poetry of Connection:

Josiah's unique narrative style shines through in A Journey to St. Thomas. He employs iambic pentameter, a traditional poetic form, to infuse the story with a timeless and musical quality. 

This decision challenges the conventional separation of prose and poetry and invites readers to experience the joy of reading aloud to each other.

Stories That Connect Us:

At the heart of A Journey to St. Thomas lies the concept of strangers bonding through storytelling in the confines of a cruise ship. In a world marked by political and economic fractures, storytelling emerges as a potent tool for building connections. 

Josiah's narrative invites readers to recognize that we are all on a shared journey, with a common destination.

A Literary Mirror to Reality:

Josiah's work is notable for its ability to reflect the world in real-time, even when conceived before the actual events it mirrors. 

The role of the pandemic in A Journey to St. Thomas initially served as a literary device to heighten the sense of confinement and shared experience. 

However, the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic in the real world added an unforeseen layer of significance, strengthening the book's metaphorical resonance.

Josiah's remarkable journey, from his educational pursuits to his dynamic career, and his passion for storytelling, converge in A Journey to St. Thomas

This work stands as a bridge between the past and the present, offering readers a literary voyage rich in language, culture, and contemporary relevance. 

It challenges conventional norms and emphasizes the unifying power of storytelling, urging us to listen, understand, and connect with each other on our shared journey through life's ever-changing seas.

To Read Norm's Interview With Josiah Hatch Follow Here