Author: E. Daisy Anderson
ISBN: 978-0-9810955

As a highly qualified registered nurse with a graduate degree who worked in the mental health field, author E. Daisy Anderson saw the effects psychiatric drugs had on those with mental illness from a professional perspective (particularly when psychiatrists changed prescriptions without “listening” to the patient and didn’t research cumulative and/or interactive effects of psychotropic medications) and in her own personal struggle.  While it is a story about recovery from mental illness and prescription drug addiction it is also a story of hope, spiritual growth and love both of self and of others.

For almost four decades, trapped in the downward spiral of mental illness and addiction, (exacerbated by childhood trauma, countless visits to different psychiatrists, variety of medications, electric shock treatments, hospitalizations and feelings of abandonment by family, friends as well as the medical community), the author tried to climb out of the deep well of despair.

About ten years ago, Daisy made a decision that would change her life forever.  She decided to work on what she called The Daisy Project.   As she began, the realization that she *had* to tell the story (for herself and others) was undeniable. It was hard work and took ten (!) years of researching medication and the interactions between them as well as carefully examining the four-foot (literally) pile of her personal health records and diaries before conception turned into publication. 

The Daisy Project is a story of courage, boldness and resurrection.  It is a story of tenacity, and a deeply-held belief in self and in a Power greater than self.  A very detailed and personal accounting of the web of mental illness, The Daisy Project is an inspirational story of truth and a tribute to the power of the indomitable human spirit in the face of adversity.  Fair warning - it’s not an easy book to read.  Daisy’s writing is blunt, forthright, and transparent.  Some of the language in the book gives insight into the depth of mental illness in forceful ways that may shock but, read on … don’t let any of it be a deterrent from seeing the devastating effects which both mental illness and prescription drug addiction can have.   

If only it were required reading for all healthcare providers (present and aspiring) of mentally ill patients (family doctors, psychiatrists, pharmacists, nurses, clergy) and politicians (!), perhaps the stigma would begin to dissipate, understanding would surface, and more people could become advocates for the mentally ill and those addicted to prescription drugs.  

Well done E. Daisy Anderson.  Your journey is an inspirational beacon of light and hope ... to all who suffer from mental illness, prescription drug addiction ... and to all who love them.