Gold In The Coffins Reviewed By Norm Goldman of
Norm Goldman

Reviewer & Author Interviewer, Norm Goldman. Norm is the Publisher & Editor of

He has been reviewing books for the past twenty years after retiring from the legal profession.

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By Norm Goldman
Published on May 4, 2015

Authors: Dominic Certo, K.S.J and Len Harac, PH.D

Publishers: Harmita Press

ISBN: 978-0-578-15516-6

Follow Here To Purchase Gold in the Coffins

Authors: Dominic Certo, K.S.J and Len Harac, PH.D

Publishers: Harmita Press

ISBN: 978-0-578-15516-6

The principal theme of Gold in the Coffins concerns a Vietnam Marine Corps Veteran, who is a successful businessman and is lured into going public with his company by a Wall Street shark. Woven into the narrative are also themes of utmost trust and loyalty which in the end prove to be a savior.

Donnie DeAngelo with the financial help of his former Marine Corps buddies is successful in creating a gourmet coffee company, Brickman's Bistros, which manufactures high-end coffees imported from Colombia and distributed to his own restaurants as well as others. Donnie's CEO and Vice President of operations, Mitchell Atchinson informs Donnie that the business is swimming in new expenses and that if he wants to expand they would need financing or investors. In addition, Donnie feels a moral obligation to help out his three Vietnam buddies, which is not to the liking of Atchinson who feels that Donnie should not be giving them a free ride with their rent and food.

Donnie is introduced to a sleazy investment banker, Wesley Goelner, CEO of Triangel Brothers' Assets Inc, a billion dollar investment banking firm that prides itself on IPOs (Initial Public Offerings) and Reverse Merger IPOs, however, they also have a notorious reputation for exploitation.

Goelner is a hustler and relentless, never giving up an opportunity to gain wealth and glory at someone else's expense. Unfortunately, Donnie is quite naive in recognizing the uncouth wheeling and dealing of some Wall Street bankers, and contrary to the advice of his own attorney, lets himself be seduced by Goelner in agreeing to a reverse merger.

Donnie is assured that Triangel will finance the costs in effectuating the reverse merger but he will have to secure the loans with his assets such as his company and building. Nevertheless, he is assured that the loan agreement and the financing arrangements are drawn up in such a manner that they would permit enough time for the company to be registered. Upon registration, the debt would be traded for stock in the new company. All sounds wonderful, but what happens if the IPO falls apart and matters don't turn out as planned? Unfortunately, poor Donnie is in for a rude awakening which will not only shatter his dreams of becoming very rich but will result in far reaching disastrous consequences affecting Donnie, his family, his employees and Vietnam buddies.

Although Certo and Harac have crafted an intriguing story, it feels as if it is a work in progress which reads more like a documentary or report with its over abundance of tedious telling rather than showing.

In addition, just reading the first chapter, I notice that the authors have forgotten about the well-known axiom of plot construction wherein it must begin with a crucial event that will trigger and send our hero on his quest. Unfortunately, this crucial event does not appear until a few chapters later where we are introduced to the antagonist and it is at this point where the conflict of adversaries begin. This is only one example where the novel falters. Another shortcoming is that the characters lack nuance and depth and this is due to the poor dialogue-an essential ingredient of a good novel. Nonetheless, the authors do show promise and I hope to hear more from them in the future.