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Author: Swami Kriyananda

Publisher: Crystal Clarity Publishers

ISBN-10: 1565892801

ISBN-13: 978-1565892804

                                                          Happiness is a choice

These sayings contain my sincere attempt to inspire people, to inspire you, friend- to find happiness and to make your life that which in the depth of your heart, you know it can be”-    Swami Kriyananda

This is a book of 365 thoughts designed to bring happiness into the life of the reader, one for each day of the year. The basic premise behind these thoughts is that “Happiness lies within”. Hence it is possible to choose to be happy at will. Many of the thoughts given in this book, have been designed to stretch the boundaries of the mind, so as to awaken and accommodate just a little more of that which is beyond the mind, viz., existence consciousness, which is joy itself. For instance, “Be solution oriented not problem oriented, having faith that within every problem, there lies a solution.” (Feb. 23).

Other quotations are injunctions to act from the heart, e.g. “Light a candle of kindness in your heart whenever you feel a need to correct someone. Hold it there unwaveringly” (Feb.22). Yet others are geared to the physical body,, e.g. “Live a healthy life, exercise regularly, eat properly, breathe deeply” (Feb. 19).

Much of the wisdom found in this book has been presumably gleaned from the experiments in all round integrative living at the nine Ananda communities all over the world, which derive inspiration from the life and works of Paramahansa Yogananda. Nevertheless, at least for me,  reading these well chosen thoughts enshrined in this book, called forth memories of a time in my own life when these very thoughts were the guiding principles of my own life, before they got corrupted by the advent of worldly ignorance, envy and greed. For me, this happened when I chose the straightjacket of “hard work” and “discipline” above collective harmony and personal happiness. The quotes in this book advocate the middle path between the emotions and the mind, e.g. “Before speaking,weigh your words, but not too heavily”. Other quotes echo basic civility procedures conjoined with a basic respect for all life. What makes this book so endearing that I want to open it again and again is the refreshing originality of the quotes  themselves.

This book is designed to make you happy. Open it at random when you are in need of advice or inspiration. You will emerge refreshed and energized.

Warmly recommended.