Author: Hannah Fielding

Publisher: London Wall Publishing

ISBN: 978-0-9926718-1-5

        Love is Indestructible   

This is a beautiful and moving love story with a twist. It reminded me of the haunting novels of Mary Westmacott. Better known as Agatha Christie.

Venetia, the protagonist is a young architect in Venice, who specialises in restoring old buildings. She has been deeply betrayed in love when she was eighteen years old. Ten years later and still single, her heart has created an insurmountable barrier to the advances of the opposite sex, not a single man is to be allowed inside.

Enter Paulo Barone who falls head over heels with her at first sight. He pursues her ardently, and try as she might, Venetia cannot ignore the power of the strong physical vibes between them.  After a prolonged interaction over which they manage to keep each other at arms length, a stroke of Fate forces Venetia to collaborate with Paolo on a professional level. This is when they finally come together, but  the story is not finished. Not yet.

This is where the twist before the happy ending ensues.

This book has all the ingredients of a blockbuster. The setting is gorgeous Italy, in the ravishing vistas of Venice, the fabulous landscapes of Tuscany and the hilly terrain of Sardinia. The time of the year is from late winter to springtime, and therefore, very conducive to the blossoming of love. The conversations between Venetia and Paolo are tangibly electric, I was reminded of the mutual exchange of Scarlett O’ Hara and Rhett Butler in “Gone with the Wind”. The sex scenes are very graphic, for reasons mentioned in the later section of the book. There is also a modicum of suspense and intrigue to enhance the flavour.

If I were to paraphrase in one sentence, the message of this book, it is that love cannot be destroyed by human machinations. The memory of the exchange of a true love lingers in the body and can be recalled when other senses fail.

Speaking for myself, I enjoyed this book very much. It is a page  turner and a refreshingly original one too.

Warmly recommended.

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