Publisher: The University of Chicago Press
ISBN: 978-0-226-10420-1

Replete with the clear, well-considered advice on style and usage that devotees of The Chicago Manual of Style have come to expect, the sixteenth edition provides a wealth of new information and guidelines for electronic workflow and processes,” promotes the book’s inside flap-jacket cover.

Covering one thousand and twenty-six pages, writers, editors, and publishers are the target in this one-hundred-year-old revised sixteenth edition. Now including electronic publication requirements and digital formats, the well-known reference tool is a must-have in the writing industry.


After a preface and acknowledgments, there are three parts, ending with appendixes, a bibliography, and index. The parts include the publishing process, style and usage, and documentation.


In the first section, books and journals are dissected along with preparing, editing, and proofreading manuscripts that may include illustrations and tables. There is an overview with rights, laws, licensing, agreements, permissions, and author’s responsibilities.


The second and largest section is devoted to grammar, punctuation, spelling, names, numbers, abbreviations, foreign languages, mathematics, quotations, and dialogue. Readers can find information on rules of semicolons, colons, ligatures, military terms, numerals, Biblical abbreviations, classical Greek, and interpolations to name a few.


With the final segment about documenting, there is discussion about audiovisual materials, reference lists, text citations, alphabetizing, and electronic workflow for more technical applications.


One of the helpful listings is the glossary of problematic words and phrases covering forty pages, with usages of word differences such as abjure verses adjure, between and among, discreet or discrete, i.e. instead to e.g., lay as opposed to lie, and toward compared to towards. Unfortunately, these words cannot be found in the index for quick research; one has to know in advance where they are located.


A strange placement in the book is information on the ellipsis in part two, which is mainly in the quotations and dialogue not punctuation section. In addition to defining the proper use of this often abused or misunderstood mark, explained are the dangers of changing the sentence’s meaning, when not to use it, proper placement with other punctuation, its deliberate uses, and bracketing it.

For an all-in-one reference book, this comprehensive compilation should be on every writer, editor, or proofreader’s shelf. It is the perfect gift for anyone who does not want to spend time deciphering the correct grammar or punctuation applications searching answers on the internet.


As a book gifted, this review is based on the reader’s honest opinion.

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