Author:  The Editors of Good Housekeeping

ISBN-10: 1936297639

ISBN-13: 978-1936297634

The name America trusts, Good Housekeeping, brings us a seven-week plan to look and feel better in 7 Years Younger: The Revolutionary 7-Week Anti-Aging Plan. I’ll say it right up front: I love this book. It’s a fantastic resource of information that offers priceless advice, tips, and insider information. It’s refreshing to read recommendations on beauty products without the vested-interest sales hype. Here, we get the truth about how much improvement is realistic for a given treatment or product, as well as what is a waste of money.

This 390-page guide was put together by a squad of experts, including Good Housekeeping’s Birnur K. Aral, Ph.D. In addition, regular women—not models—tried out the plan. These ladies are featured in colored before-and-after photographs along with their candid comments about what worked for them.

Each week of the plan covers one area for looking and feeling younger, so that we’re not bombarded with total change all at once.

In the first week, we reclaim beautiful skin. This chapter covers such topics as:

·        *  Are serums a waste of money? Which moisturizers actually work?

·       *  How to reduce dark spots, white spots, and red blotches.

·        *  Eliminate adult acne.

·        *   Is Botox worth a shot?

·        *  Charts for various skin types, including products that tested best and why.

The week of Makeup Makeover is a revelation. What?! I shouldn’t match my foundation to my skin? The editors explain why this old rule doesn’t hold up; and how to select a shade that won’t leave the complexion looking pasty, blotchy, or ashy.

The next week is all about healthy hair: how to recapture gloss, bounce and body. It also contains professional tips for getting perfect at-home color for those who want to save money.

 No beauty book would be complete without including a section on diet and exercise. Good, common-sense, no diet-product solicitations. Even if you already have a good knowledge of healthy eating, you’ll find this segment inspiring. My favorite part in this section is “Binge Busters: 16 Delicious Ways to Satisfy Your Cravings.”

Last is Brain Boosters, because keeping our brain functioning is essential to enjoying life to the end of our days. The latest scientific studies offer lots of hope. “Brain researchers used to believe that everyone lost up to 30 percent of their neurons as they aged, but now it looks as if you not only hold on to most of those neurons, but can make new, ‘smarter’ ones if you try. It’s never too late to start engaging your brain,” says Gary Small, M.D., director of the UCLA Center of Aging (p. 214). Included are seven top moves to train your brain younger

Additionally, the Baltimore Longitudinal Study on Aging, ongoing since 1959, has determined that disease is not a part of aging.

 I found this book to be enlightening, encouraging, and motivating. With this plan, we are empowered to take charge of how we look and feel, rather than be victims of Father Time. Highly recommended for women, age 35-and up.

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