Author: Tom Connellan

ISBN: 978-0-9769506-2-2

Publisher: Peak Performance Press, ISBN: 978-0-9769506-2-2

Click Here To Purchase The 1% Solution for Work and Life: How to Make Your Next 30 Days the Best Ever

Tom Connellan, author of The 1% Solution for Work and Life, was program director for the Michigan Business School, former CEO and business founder, as well as, best-selling author. (2010, inside back cover) Mr. Connellan has penned over ten books and many articles. He has worked as editor for four magazines targeting human resource management and business management. Currently he is engaged in public speaking ventures where he helps businesses and leaders to get back on track and realize their potential.

I have opportunity to read and review quite a lot of books in the business field as this is also my specialty. Therefore, I consider myself fairly up to date in the latest and greatest business tools and techniques out in the marketplace. I kept this book on my bedside table and read it each night before calling it a day. I was enthralled from the first page. So much so, that I had to slow myself down in reading it because I did not want it to end and this does not often happen to me.

This book was over the top better than anything I had read in eons and I highly recommend it to everyone regardless of occupation or personal endeavor. There are so many things I came away with from this short read that can pertain to just about every facet of one’s life from personal improvement to business direction and goal setting. Let me explain why this book captivated me so.

The book opens with a man who is kind of stuck in a plateau, both, business- wise and personally speaking. He is eeking by, but nothing more. Life had lost its luster, and he, his thirst and hunger. One day he is at a soccer game for his son when he notices how much better the team is than it was the previous season. He goes over to congratulate the coach and see what he is doing differently to generate such consistent playage. The coach invites him to come along on a life changing adventure called the 1% Solution.

I’m not going to reveal each segment of his journey toward personal and professional betterment, but the highlights of this book are astonishing enough that anyone can do them and make their life better in many areas. For instance, Connellan states that “The difference between exceptional and exceptionally exceptional is…” a mere 1%. (2010, p.24) You can achieve this by “…doing something better today than you did it yesterday.” Therefore all of us should, “Aim to be swifter, higher, and stronger – not swiftest, highest, strongest.” (p.25)

Read it. The steps are easy to follow. The results are proven. I know you will love it as much as I did/do.

Click Here To Purchase The 1% Solution for Work and Life: How to Make Your Next 30 Days the Best Ever