Author:  Karin Slaughter
ISBN:  978-0-385-34197-4

Click Here To Purchase Broken: A Novel
Karin Slaughter has long been a perfect author in the crime fiction category.  My favorite character of hers has always been Special Agent Will Trent.  Will is one of those men who not only are fantastic at their job, but they have a back story that literally makes you want to run right out and find them, take them home, and offer them the best that life has to offer to make up for all the bad things they’ve suffered.  When Will was a boy, he lived in orphanages and foster homes.  Currently he’s married – although, he’s more than a bit estranged from his significant other; and, he’s still trying to find his way through the world.  When he receives a call to travel to the almost miniscule Grant County in order to investigate a suicide/murder that may or may not involve an entire “crooked” police department, Will soon finds himself entrenched in one of the strangest crimes he’s ever investigated.
Allison Spooner is a young woman who got out of Grant County with the help of her teacher long ago.  She got into college and met the man of her dreams; she wanted nothing more than to make sure she NEVER ended up like her mother – a woman who is dying of cancer at thirty-eight, wishing she wasn’t alone. When readers meet Allison at the very beginning of this story, she’s walking around a muddy lake as if looking for something perhaps buried in the murky depths of the water.  She’s thinking about Jason and how they’re going to stay together after their secret comes out.
At 3:00 AM, Lena Adams – a cop – gets the call that a young woman has been found in a local lake.  She, apparently, has tied cement blocks to herself and committed suicide, leaving a note behind on the shore.  But if this is a standard suicide, Lena surmises, than why is the young woman sporting a razor-sharp knife wound in the back of her neck?  And why is the ground saturated with the girl’s blood?  Murder and mayhem begin as a young local boy – who is extremely mentally-challenged – is arrested for the crime.  Not only that, but he was also caught with the supposed murder weapon and took out a cop, as well.  Or…did he?
Sara Linton is our other main character.  Sara grew up in Grant County and is home for Thanksgiving.  She left home a while ago because of the pain that she’d experienced in her small home town.  She’d met and married Jeffrey Tolliver when he’d come to Grant County to be the police chief.  Unfortunately, their lives were ruined when Jeffery was killed in the line of duty.  Of course, to Sara, the reason her husband is dead is because of the shoddy police work that Lena Adams had done; if it weren’t for that horrible woman her husband would’ve still been by her side. 
Soon the cat and mouse game between killer and victim is compounded with the war between two of the most complicated, secretive women that Grant County has ever seen.  Sara will try her best to convince Will Trent that Lena is the horrible one; that the poor young boy did not have enough brains to kill and drown the poor young girl; and, that Lena is the one who probably “beat” a confession out of the boy just to put the case to rest.  Add in an interim police chief named Frank who drinks a great deal and is desperately trying to hold on to his health care and pension, and the suspect list grows longer and longer with every page.
Not only has Ms. Slaughter written another wonderful tale of crime, she’s also brought back characters her fans love and admire.  Intricately woven into the murderous storyline are the emotions of two women who need to settle the past in order to get on with the future, and a man who has been scarred for life, inside and out, who wants nothing more than to find love, peace, and a partner for life.  Run – don’t walk – to the bookstore for this one!