Review: Baby Eye Like: I Love You!
Gang Chen

Gang Chen: Gang is the author of Planting Design Illustrated  and LEED AP Exam Guide: Study Materials, Sample Questions, Mock Exam, Building LEED Certification (LEED-NC) and Going Green.  

He holds a Master Degree from School of Architecture, University of Southern California (USC), Los Angeles, and a Bachelor Degree from Department of Architecture, South China University of Technology. He is a recipient of the Grace and Robert Frazer Landscape Heritage Award from the Landscape Architecture Foundation. Gang has over 20 years of professional design experience.

By Gang Chen
Published on December 14, 2008

Author:  Play Bac

ISBN-10: 1602140499

ISBN-13: 978-1602140493


Baby Eye Like: I Love You! is a picture board book composed of photos of pairs of various animals showing their affection toward each other: giraffes, polar bears, fish, seals, cows, birds, doves, dogs, horses, and jaguars.

Author:  Play Bac

ISBN-10: 1602140499

ISBN-13: 978-1602140493


Baby Eye Like: I Love You! is a picture board book composed of photos of pairs of various animals showing their affection toward each other: giraffes, polar bears, fish, seals, cows, birds, doves, dogs, horses, and jaguars.  The photos are nice and clear.

 Angela, a 4-year old said: “I like giraffes and polar bears in the book. Actually I like the whole book.” He twin sister Amy said: “I like the whole book too.”

 Athena, a 16-month-old can flip through the book herself, and she will point to the picture of the fish and says “Yee” and smiles. She learns to call “fish” as “fees” after flipping through the book twice. She seems to like the fish page most and always tend to turn to that page.

 Baby Eye Like: I Love You! has 16 pages, and it is a fun photo board book for young kids.