Author: Jim Stovall
ISBN: 978-1-4347-6593-2

Click Here To Purchase The King's Legacy: A Story of Wisdom for the Ages

The King wants to give a gift to his people . . . but what should it be?  Something that stands for his reign. Something that memorializes the peace, prosperity, and happiness that he brought to his people, as he led them through difficult times.  Something that will stand the test of time and remain for generations to come.

The King’s wise men gathered.  They all had worthy suggestions: great buildings, shining gold coins, magnificent monuments, traditional testimonials to greatness all.  Then the eldest wise man, one who had served the King from the beginning of his reign, stepped up.  “May I humbly offer my suggestion?” he asked. “Something altogether different?  The one thing that could pay tribute to your greatness for thousands of years to come would be the proclamation of the Wisdom of the Ages.”

And so began the search for the one great statement that embodied the Wisdom of the Ages. Using people from all walks of life, and a land and time distant centuries from our own, Jim Stovall presents a wealth of timely wisdom – as applicable today as in times gone past – that makes the reader step back, and take a long, hard look at his own life, and his own principles and attitudes.

Of course, in the end there is so much wisdom in his kingdom, the King despairs of ever finding the one bit of advice that is applicable to all times, and worthy of being remembered down through future generations. You’ll be delighted, and surprised, at where our good King finally discovers the words that can truly be called The Wisdom of the Ages.

The King’s Legacy is a journey of discovery for readers of all ages.  Adults will find reminders of values that support a positive life.  Parents will find sharing the story with their children a time of teaching and encouraging.  Casual readers will find a delightful tale that painlessly slips snippets of wisdom into the reader’s mind. 

The book is a quick read – at first glance – then the chapters grab your attention, and demand to be considered, gnawed on and digested slowly.  I doubt anyone can read The King’s Legacy, and come away unaffected.  In a time where lives are in upheaval, this little book offers hope for a better day, wisdom to build and live a better life, and a reminder that we all have the Wisdom of the Ages at our fingertips, if we only open our ears and our minds.

The delightful portraits at the beginning of each chapter, make this book a treasure to own and share with family and friends. 

Do you long to know the Wisdom of the Ages?  Pick up The King’s Legacy by Jim Stovall and find the wisdom that lies in the hearts and minds of all who surround you.  You’ll be glad you did!

 Click Here To Purchase The King's Legacy: A Story of Wisdom for the Ages